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Everything posted by bob

  1. Found this in a Reddit thread about videos that make you cry with laughter. They were right:
  2. Nah, i think he just buried his face deep into a packet of Doritos. Crumbiness.
  3. That's what i meant! He started trying, and failed. Seems like when he tries to lose, he wins, and when he tries to win, he loses.
  4. Why gain consent, do it as a surprise birthday gift. (I mean remaking her car, for anything else, consent is always required...)
  5. Is there anyone left in the Middle League trying to win? Also, Haden decides he's going for the title and immediately loses and drops out of the promotional spots..ha! I beat Andy's Allstars (who?); a defensive line-up? Against bob?! What a fool! Only two points behind 3rd spot!
  6. The venue of the N-E meet has changed. It is now... ....at Rummy's house.
  7. Well this confused the crap out of me...apparently both Leeds Rhinos and Leeds United are managed by a man called Brian McDermott.....but it's not the same guy... Also, both teams have a winger called Ryan Hall. How bizarre!
  8. Oh right! So the music was supposed to be there, but in my pirated version it started playing during the last few lines of dialogue.....bit bizarre!
  9. He looks cold.
  10. Sounds either like a hacked account, or some disgruntled employee to me. I don't know why these things are always blown out of proportion, it's hardly like Nintendo are going to release a statement saying 'Yes, these are our views, what of it?'. Clearly those aren't the views of the company, just apologise and move on...
  11. Wait, Canand is selling sweets?! Are you sure?!
  12. I have been at university for the past 8 years making little to no money and i'm perfectly happy with it. You don't need lots of money to have fun (unless your hobby is skydiving...).
  13. I think it's the balmy weather...
  14. Yeah eevil, go on the site, it's got nothing to do with Canand! Or me....
  15. Yes the best thing would be to direct your questions to the website owner. Who isn't here.
  16. Two decades ago even! I agree though, hating someone who died because of something they did decades ago is even more bizarre and pointless than hating someone who had dementia.
  17. Worst LosingGame ever. Do I win the Spolight because i was the only one who said Flink wouldn't win? I lost against Leeds, the shame is even more because i didn't score. What's the point in playing if you don't score goals.. I'm not sure how Leeds M.O.T. even ended up in this league, they seem yards better than everyone else...
  18. This is pretty awesome.
  19. Happy Birthday! Plus, some joke about a cube!
  20. @EEVILMURRAY do you only eat sweets with 'z' in the title?
  21. Ha! You talk like you have a chance against the mighty bob! Bring it on!
  22. bob does not agree with trying to lose matches. bob's agenda is to score as many goals as possible. However, watching two other teams trying to do so is exciting and bob can't wait to see what happens.
  23. Dude you said it yourself, both teams are trying to lose on purpose. Of course that's funny! It reminds me of this game in the Caribbean Cup when both teams tried to lose. Hilarious!
  24. Hang on, is this a thing? I saw this thread on April Fools Day and dismissed it after that. But people kept posting in it so i got curious. Is it real?
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