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Everything posted by bob

  1. How long do you even spend in the Natwest app anyway, it's not exactly brim full of features...
  2. I think there are tons of better role models than either of them. But if i had to choose, i suppose Thatcher. But only because of where she ended up, and not because of her politics.
  3. I remembered tactics, and felt all proud when i won, but then realised that Bubbles FC hasn't logged in since January #Hollowvictory #I'lltakeitanyway #Flinkloveshashtags
  4. Having not seen Episode 1 yet, i am wondering how they carry off...
  5. This would only be a valid rage had you actually won. The results proves that we were all perfectly correct in betting against you...
  6. Some bugger stole an hour off me and now I'm grumpy...
  7. Fuh-king Benitez. Seriously, how many points do you think a trio of Chelsea players Mata, Hazard and Ba should get in a Fantasy Football between them? Maybe 70? Benitez is a fucking idiot. Benches all three for the whole game, only to bring Hazard on to get me one fucking point. I'm not playing Fantasy Football anymore - the world doesn't want me to do well at it.
  8. Ah well, that's me then. Probably half of all the games i own on the Xbox are Halo games, so that's the main reason i own one.
  9. Bitch please - this is me doing it in 2011:
  10. @Charlie - I feel that it is you that is going down. There's a reason why i beat you, and that reason is that you are not as good as me. (How am i doing with the trash talk?)
  11. I woke up feeling pretty maundy yesterday, but today it's all good.
  12. I think i need the last two explained, but i don't want to ruin the joke...
  13. I would imagine they just pulled the scores and the rankings and then set it up as a huge equation which was solved using brute force....
  14. I'm just trying to be more supportive of what people post. That's a lovely picture of a photoshopped cat mountain, by they way. Well done.
  15. I actually googled the exact same thing and came to the same conclusion, but after the aquaduct incident i didn't want to spoil yet another sport.
  16. Well i'm not sure there is a law against it, but it certainly happens. You hear about journalists getting free stuff all the time by companies trying to get a higher score. (I can't post references, but i definitely remember this happening).
  17. I saw this last night and really liked it! It was a bit Dreamworksy at times (like when it randomly had the same ending as How to Train Your Dragon...) but otherwise really good. I couldn't work out who voiced Grugg the dad. I kept thinking, 'that sounds like Cage, but it can't be, he sounds too restrained.' And then he 'Waarrgh-blarrrgh-blwrwrlwaaaagrh!!!' at something, and i thought 'Ah, yes, that's Cage'. I really like Belt, he was great, but the best bit was all the bizarre animals they encountered, it was like watching a film based on Gervais Flanimals book. i could have sat through another 2 hours of them walking through the jungle discovering new creatures. Awesome. EDIT: Oh, and for anyone thinking about sitting through the credits to see the little end scene - don't. It's incredibly weak, and it makes you look like an idiot to the cinema staff waiting to clean up and wondering why you would sit there for 10 mins to watch such a shittiness.
  18. If it is true that they weight the reviews (and i do think that it is necessary to do so*), then it would be silly to release who the most influential sites are, as those will suddenly become targetted by games companies trying to bribe a higher score. *Simply because i think that certain smaller sites might post low review scores for popular games just to increase web traffic, and so those scores may need to be weighted out....
  19. Winston Gardens to win 3-1 and a total of 11 players under 25.
  20. Obviously a high end PC is going to look and play better than a console running the same game (or modded version of it), but what i like about the console is that you know that you can buy the game, and play it when you get it home instantly, without faffing around, and as the console ages, the game is going to continue to play the same way. Plus for online games, you know that everyone is on the same playing field, with the same equipment (i don't really care so much about this, but it's an arguement i've heard). If i had a £1500 gaming pc, i would sure as hell play games on it (they are often cheaper than console games), but i do not, so it's a console for me! EDIT: I actually bought an Xbox because i couldn't play the game i bought on my laptop. I got Just Cause 2 off steam after playing the demo and loving it so much i bought the whole game. But after faffing for around 2 weeks trying to get it to a playable level on my laptop, i relented and went out and bought an Xbox and JC2 to play on it. Best £250 i ever spent.
  21. At the moment the whole thing is a bit sheet.
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