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Everything posted by bob

  1. Just finished Resistance 3 coop with a friend. Wasnt as good as the first one, but still enjoyable. Story was pants. Started Killzone 3 coop and I'm liking it so far.
  2. What's a real shame is that there's no way to change chains on a bike.
  3. I'd go for a Mad Men - Dexter crossover, where Bob Benson is this super nice, friendly account man with an advertising agency, but in his spare time, he murders bad guys.
  4. That sounds fairly similar to mine. Wandering around Paris trying to find somewhere romantic enough where we were alone. It's almost impossible!
  5. About Bob Benson?
  6. 2-1 I reckon. I can't remember what the other thing we had to guess was (i'm on my phone and can't see) so i'm going to say 34.
  7. Whatever guyz, I took all evening doing mine. The proof will be in the pudding.
  8. Dude, it took you 9 months to work out how to connect an xbox to a TV? You should have asked for help here! We could have done it in 6!
  9. Presumably it won't be too hard to work out who did it and charge them?
  10. I don't really think Newcastle are in crisis. They have good players, and a fair amount of stability. I think they're just having a shocking period.
  11. It's blatantly the Hulk Hogan lookalike in the background.
  12. Can we get a picture of @nightwolf doing the exact same pose so we can see the comparison? I personally don't see it.
  13. I'm not sure, but I would imagine it's the same as everything else.
  14. Bought this bad boy. Well, my employers bought it, I'll pay them back for it.
  15. It's not something you can do on your way to work though. It takes time to draw a picture (even a shitty one) and sort out who you're sending it to. I understand why it takes a while. I was quick because mine coincided with a free evening. Having said that, some people are shit because they forget.
  16. This is an absolute DISASTER. All my strikers have been docked a months pay. I will not tolerate such rubbish.
  17. It had better be good Rummy...
  18. I watched About Time last night, it was pretty good! A bit slow, but still rather lovely. Bill Weasely was great in it.
  20. I reckon 1-1 with 11 players under the age of 25.
  21. Pugs = yes Chihuahua = no I would have to see which breed s dominant first.
  22. I think I started a thread about how everyone pronounced 'xsorbit'. How cool I was back then.
  23. ReZ. _______________________
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