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Everything posted by bob

  1. I love watching the World Cup or Euros, but i certainly don't enjoy England's games. Normally because they include a side order of Chiles, but also because everyone just turns into an idiot around them.
  2. If I win and Dedede loses, I'll reclaim the top spot. Unlikely, but his match is a lot tougher than mine.
  3. Were you allowed to touch the Laminated Book of Dreams?
  4. bantz. ______________
  5. Happy birthday to everyone who is celebrating their birthday today.
  6. PERFECT. Awesome.
  7. Yeah, reply in a suitably feisty manner.
  8. Need a costume with the theme 'Fire' for our Fireween party. Suggestions welcome. Unless they suggestion is Sir Alan Sugar, in which case please leave.
  9. I'm pretty sure that's an article from Oct 12th 2013 detailing what the current team looked like when Belgium last played in a tournament. Source: It says Oct 12th 2013 in the corner.
  10. This is pretty funny - takes a while to read through though: http://www.progressiveboink.com/2012/6/14/3084348/the-second-40-worst-rob-liefeld-drawings There's another set from 2007 that are pretty good too: http://www.progressiveboink.com/2012/4/21/2960508/worst-rob-liefeld-drawings
  11. Wha? *checks URL* Thought i'd arrived at Tumblr for a second there.
  12. All the 'uber-1337' kind of blended into one as far as i can remember. They were just some sort of amorphous mass of high-post count members (which was all that mattered in those days), who kind of unofficially ran the place. Sure they had different names, but i couldn't really tell them apart.
  13. Four or five years down the line, that'll be one of those WTF videos you end up stumbling across randomly. Probably needs some sort of NSFW tag though, i watched it in the library and came across as a bit of a naked-man-using-toilet-watching weirdo.
  14. Saw Now You See Me last night, it was pretty darned good! Exciting from beginning to end, and had us all shouting from the sofa how we thought they did it the whole way. Great film.
  15. It carries over though right?
  16. Yeah, that's pretty much what i've tried to do. I think my highest is 16, and i've only got 2 people under 10, one of whom is retiring anyway.
  17. Oh man, I thought anything bigger than 10 was good. My team is not as good as I thought...
  18. Raining is correct unfortunately.
  19. It's Saturday, and i have to spend the whole day in the library. I'll be in tomorrow as well... In fact, i have to spend every weekend in October in the library. This is bad.
  20. You must have an adamantium nose and ears too. Blimey.
  21. I've stocked up on diapers! Is that the right picture? Or did you actually buy a small glade of trees from Argos?
  22. I wonder if ebooks will start to get longer, now that they're not bound (literally!) by the constraints that paper books have. I read Consider Phlebas by the way, from recommendations on here. Very good. Proper science fiction too, with emphasis on the science, all the physics in it seemed very well thought out. Just read through Memory of Light again too, since i'd only read it once since it came out, and i've read all the others multiple times. Awesome series. Not sure what to read next though, might have to pop into Waterstones at some point if i get the time.
  23. You mean like, sometimes you go to bed with your glasses on? Like you forget to take them off, right? RIGHT?! Pls respond.
  24. I have actually been struggling with the question of how I can get away with wearing a nappy at Halloween, so thanks for that.
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