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Everything posted by bob

  1. *slowpoke comment* I don't think it's bitchy to tell the truth about why you don't want to date them. I think it is bitchy however to say you don't date fat people. THAT is why she is a bitch.
  2. AFC Dedede did well, but i'm annoyed I can't stretch my wings to their full extent. My 0-6-4 formation is flawless, and as such I beat him 1-0 in the second half. Why can't I have that formation from the start hmmm Xpert? WHY?! A complaint has been lodged.
  3. Apparently they already use this in China *source needed*
  4. Put down da cookie nooooooooooow!
  5. I've found Harry Potter to be pretty darned festive. Nice to have on while you're wrong presents and such.
  6. Tell that to the Egyptians...
  7. What about Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo? Does that come close?
  8. And what about those 'come-to-bed eyes'?!
  9. I'm not sure, but i think, i think, Dazzy is a Tottenham supporter, so i don't think he would be too jovial about that result.
  10. Hey guise, DAE mid-table score draw?!?!11!?one!
  11. Our Christmas tree is a bit wonky.
  12. Even I worked that out, and I wasn't even paying attention for half the film.
  13. Wow, I never thought that tactic would actually work! Going 1-5-4 against Coloccini paid off!
  14. Me reckon 2-4, with 18 chances.
  15. As, apparently, was I...
  16. Ah OK, all that makes sense now. I obviously got caught up in all the excitement and lost myself.
  17. Right, I'll try adding spoilers on my phone.
  18. Actually I meant before that, but i can't explain without spoiler tags on my phone. Don't worry. I agree it was pretty good though. It's a shame the final film has done a Harry Potter and been split in two. We have to wait until 2014 and 2015 to see the end!
  19. I thought something like this might happen as they kept mentioning TV 'cable boxes' like they have in America, but I doubted it would work with my £15 Freeview box...
  20. Saw this yesterday, it was really good! Better even than the first one! Got a bit confused about what happened at the end though...?
  21. After wrapping himself in 13 rolls of toilet paper, Miley Cyrus' handler felt he was ready to clear out her trailer.
  22. Apparently a mole is leaking team bob's line-up for tomorrow in the evening papers, so i might as well tell you @Cube; i'm going for a second half 1-5-4 formation. Do with that what you will.
  23. Apparently the 0.5 bitcoins I bought for £80 back in the summer are now worth £260. Not bad.
  24. Awesome. I'm going to 4OD the shit out of this.
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