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Everything posted by bob

  1. Can you maybe just print off some inserts yourself?
  2. Have you tried logging in as S.C.G?
  3. Jim Carrey would say otherwise...
  4. If no member of management is allowed holiday during conference season, then what is she doing on holiday during conference season?
  5. Perfect. I'm away until the end of Sept, so that's great. I can start afresh in the lower league (I'm assuming, I've not checked)
  6. Hey does anyone know when the next season will start?
  7. 9 year relationship, 13 years on forum. Where's my prize?
  8. I would have just left the metal on it and popped the meringue on top.
  9. I think his ice cream might have been failing before that anyway, but yeah, it was probably the most dramatic Bake Off ever! Up there with when that woman used someone else's custard.
  10. If only a small percentage of people who do it learn about the disease and donate, then it's a success.
  11. I think Di Maria might just rival Luke Chadwick and Tevez for ugliest player ever in the Premier League.
  12. It really isn't that uncontrollable. It's not like bird flu or sars which is transmittable by air: you actually need to transfer bodily fluids to catch it. The main reason why it's infecting so many people is that they aren't taking precautions over in Africa. If there was an outbreak here, we would be much better prepared to deal with it.
  13. That sounds fantastic, but for a second I had to scroll up and check it wasn't one of Animal's posts.
  14. It must be pretty damn frustrating to be a doctor or a infectious disease professional in these countries. They are trying their best to stop the spread, and people are eating dead bats off the ground, hiding their ill relatives and even stealing infected blankets from hospitals. It's a really scary disease, but if there was a bit more information out there for the population, the spread should be contained fairly easily.
  15. For those of us who can't read Japanese?
  16. One like = one respect?
  17. Love it. Spiderman is real and he rides a motorbike in Russia.
  18. I could predict every game against the Legends is a draw.
  19. It's the Luggage!!
  20. I suppose, but if I'm sending my fiance a text to say I'll pick up a lettuce on the way home, I don't have the time to craft a meaningful message containing much passion. I'll just rattle off a text with five x's on the end.
  21. Well, you'd know that from experience I suppose...
  22. I always put loads, because everyone knows that the more kisses you put, the more you love them and the happier they'll be? Absolutely.
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