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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'd be a bit weary of working from home, as loneliness can creep up fairly quickly. My fiancée had depression while doing her PhD, and it was made much worse while writing at home alone. She is quite a social person though, so I'm not sure if it's as bad if you are happy being on your own. What job do you do? Is the working from home thing permanent or temporary?
  2. Maybe they could have spent some of that extra money on coming up with a better name. Project CARS sounds like something you'd come up with while stoned.
  3. But that's his thing. You don't ask other members to stop writing in coloured text, even though that's pointless and inefficient? Given that he is one of the members of these forums who is constantly arguing with others, i don't think teaching him to swear is a particularly good idea.
  4. If he wants to censor it, let him. Why does it matter?
  5. There are actually 14 books in the main series, but if you're struggling halfway through book 2, there's no way you'll get through book 10! Persevere though, cause the last three are like heroin in book form!
  6. Don't do this. It will significantly reduce your chances of getting the job.
  7. Off topic, but is this possible to do without a jail-broken ps3? I'm asking for a friend.
  8. Following on from what others have said, i actually don't 'get on with' all the 3D Zeldas i've played (OoT, TP, SS, WW). I think the thing i don't like about them is the controls. I find it very difficult to play and as a result i've only completed one of the above. Not syaing they aren't great games, but i just can't seem to get through a whole one.
  9. I didn't even notice the gay kiss! It seemed like they kind of cropped it out...
  10. Who does the Swedish guy remind me of... I can't place him...
  11. I quite liked Italy. My favourite bit was how you could swap round the eyebrows, moustache and beard of the main guy, and he'd look exactly the same.
  12. I want Belgium to win. Defo my fave. Very power ballad heavy this year...
  13. That is literally what I just said! Word perfect!
  14. @Animal what are you doing performing for Australia!
  15. What happens if Australia win? That would be awkward.
  16. We're having a pizza party and drinking games. Can't wait!
  17. I've found the weird old men duo that won in 2000! Fantastic. I'm sure Danny the Dane is a fan.
  18. I way singing Red Wedding all last night. If they actually ended up recording any of those songs I'd buy them.
  19. Did anyone see this? I gave a little chuckle at it:
  20. Yeah i heard Ireland didn't get through... (To be fair, those countries get through automatically because they pay for the thing)
  21. I refuse to watch the semifinals. I feel like it is cheating, and I don't like knowing what some of the acts are going to be before the Final. Looking forward to Saturday though!
  22. Yup, I saw Mad Max, and the Splatoon trailer came up. My friend watched it, then turned to me and gestured that maybe it would be a game we could get and play (he'd not heard of it before then), but I told him no. It didn't have voice chat.
  23. Can confirm, academics are arseholes. Is there any chance he might provide post-retirement support to his remaining students?
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