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Everything posted by bob

  1. I didn't realise Octodad came out on Wii U? What's it like?
  2. I did post a happy birthday message, but it seems to have been lost to the ether of bad mobile signal. Never mind, there's always next year.
  3. I actually don't think £499 is that bad (although I really think they could have included shipping in that), but I don't have a PC that could handle the load right now, and I doubt I'll have one in the future for a while. I'll wait and see what other offerings there are first.
  4. About tree fiddy.
  5. I see no problem with them designing two versions of a tie fighter?
  6. Jerky is American, Biltong is South African. That's the only difference as far as I know...?
  7. Dried meat innit.
  9. Hopefully be seeing The Danish Girl tonight, but it's on at an arse time, so we'll see.
  10. Benedict Carl Cumberbatch?
  11. Virgin Media have doubled their speeds two or three times for us in the past couple of years. I'm quite happy with them.
  12. Why on earth would you want split screen when you can have four PS4s and four tvs and four copies of the same game in the same room!? It's the future man, don't fight it.
  13. In b4 @Mr\-Paul... What films have you seen?
  14. My total for 2015 was 2 games. Fucking woo.
  15. I didn't think we were allowed to post in this, Eevil's thread.
  16. Yeah, they're going to struggle to find any other Villains from the original trilogy to put in. Who else is left? Jabba?
  17. Yeah, fuck XBone. PS4lyfe.
  18. For what reason?
  19. Mate, you could have put your dildo away first...
  20. Most forgiving bar owner ever. And he had sex with you?
  21. My wife bought me a Gameboy and the best Pokemon game for Xmas. @Glen\-i
  22. Merry Christmas everyone! Currently at my wife's family's house, where they go absolutely insane for Christmas. It's all good.
  23. I was going to do a line with your name, but Ashley doesn't rhyme with anything.
  24. S'alright, I've seen it now, so I don't care about whether I spoil it for anyone else.
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