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Everything posted by bob

  1. I don't disagree with the sacking, but the way they did it was harsh.
  2. Oh my word! Who ordered these feels? I certainly didn't. Fantastic episode though. This season is hotting up!
  3. I am 29, but feel way older. This weekend I went to a 1 year olds birthday party, and a national trust property.
  4. Yeah it's great losing weight vicariously through other people. I feel great!
  5. That's worth a try. I did what Drahkon said, and it works, but it's a faff pulling up the menu to turn off the controller, during which the blu ray continues to play, so you miss stuff. I might just set up a USB cable near the sofa so I can keep the controller plugged in when watching something.
  6. I was thinking about playing Overwatch, but I've not played Firewatch, will I know what's going on?
  7. I really don't mind the black character - she seems to have pretty good comic timing.
  8. bob


    This is the most middle aged thread we've ever had.
  9. It would make sense for all the leagues to have the same number of teams, I reckon.
  10. Pffff. Remember who you're talking about. I bet he completes it in like two days.
  11. That's about four years worth of games for me.
  12. A Good Tip. Yeah I normally split everything up and hide it in various pockets, bags and socks. And check everything obsessively every few minutes. And keep an eye on every shifty looking person.
  13. Yeah I'll be taking a fair amount of cash anyway, and I can always use my debit card and swallow the one off fee for doing so. Fingers crossed it does work though, it's always a bit of a stress having to take wallets full of cash out each day to pay for everything when on holiday.
  14. Nope. I've already made up my mind based on that 30 teaser. The show is going to suck.
  15. It's too late. I'm already boycotting it.
  16. I got a Clarity Card from Halifax, since they offer 0% on transactions abroad. I got it so I could pay for stuff when I'm in Canada (car hire seem only to accept credit cards anyway), and not have to worry about taking loads of cash. I can't imagine I'll use it much after my holiday though. Does anyone know if you get penalised for having a credit card that you don't use? It seems unlikely, but everything about credit cards and ratings seems bizarre.
  17. They've also managed to spoil what looks like a reasonably big twist.
  18. Stay in the slow lane, unless you are coming up to a slip road, then move into the middle to let people in. Then move back. Technically they should match your speed and enter the motorway without you moving or slowing down, but that pretty much never happens. They'll just barge in without looking sometimes, so be aware. Don't sit in the middle lane the whole time, especially if the slow lane is empty. It's called middle lane hogging, and it's actually illegal! Otherwise, don't feel pressured to go faster than you're comfortable with, and check your blind spot when changing lanes. And indicate! Where's @Dogamoto when you need him. Didn't he used to be a Driving Instructor?
  19. Not really a purchase, but I got myself my first ever credit card, at the age of 29. Can't wait to max it out while shopping at the mall and have Daddy come and bail me out.
  20. That's pretty similar to my own, but I'd put the two latest CA's a bit lower down, and Hulk a bit higher up.
  21. Isn't the point of dating sites to match you up with people with similar interests?
  22. Why did you post a picture of supposed murderer Steven Avery?
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