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Everything posted by bob

  1. Wow there are a lot of negative nancys in here.
  2. Looks pretty good, nice and colourful. Shame that Superman won't be in it though.
  3. Is it that surprising that younger people struggle with an old game they might not have played before?
  4. I guess that depends. Do you have time to play it now? Isn't the Frozen Wild DLC like £16, so it works out cheaper to buy them separately (assuming they make the Complete Edition £50). I'd buy it now, and play it so when they release the DLC you're ready to go.
  5. Just wait til they release Firewall 2.
  6. It's like they took several early episodes of the TV series and the first film and hastily mashed them together, while replacing some of the gen 1 Pokemon in those story lines with Alohan replacements. There are a couple of gen 2 subplots as well. It might work better when you can understand what they're saying though.
  7. I saw that film in Tokyo back in August. It was all in Japanese but we just about worked out what was going on. It was....weird.
  8. Er just Legion, I guess. Thought there were more.
  9. Does anyone know if these Fox based Marvel shows will crossover at any point? Or are they completely separate to one another?
  10. Pre-nup! By the time my wife and I got around to buying a house, we'd been together for long it was hard to work out who'd contributed what. On reflection though, we probably did contribute around half of their deposit each, so it worked out well.
  11. @drahkon
  12. I read all of yours as Pichu.
  13. *Looks at sales figures. *TFW more copies of Fifa were sold on XB360 than Switch.
  14. They aren't.
  15. That's 9000 seconds!
  16. I was at Argos last night (they have one new in the local Sainsburys) and on a whim I thought I would check to see if they have any Switches in stock. Nope. And none in any of the Argos' (Argi?) for a 50 mile radius. How is this possible? How can they still be out of stock everywhere?
  17. Is that all versions or just the Switch one?
  18. Mmmmmm, in outbuilding I have left your parcel...
  19. Miss! He's copying!
  20. But if Pidgeot can fly at Mach 2, how does it stop its chest cavity from exploding under the extreme pressure difference?
  21. Must be why she's with you. Heyooooooo! Sorry, couldn't resist.
  22. Bumping this to maybe get a few more votes before Sunday?
  23. Also, £6 for breakfast? Where was he eating, Harrods? Wetherspoons do a fried breakfast and a pint for £4, not only setting him up right for the day, but saving his company valuable £'s and putting money back into a good British institution at the same time.
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