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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Anyone know where the “time played” counter is shown?
  2. Well I got woken up at 2am this morning by the PS App on my phone telling me some games were installed and ready to play. I like that feature buts it’s definitely going on mute!
  3. Down to about 200 gigs left now in storage and probably still have some more games I’d like to download. I’ll definitely be picking up a nice external hard drive next week during the Black Friday sales.
  4. Got this installed on my PS5 now so I’m looking forward to trying it out and seeing if there’s a noticeable difference from the base PS4 version which as I said, was a bit choppy.
  5. God this game really is gorgeous. Just watching videos of it doesn’t really do it justice.
  6. Glad to see it does quiet down again after the install and initial launch. Was getting a bit worried there as that was PS4 levels of noise, maybe higher.
  7. Weirdly I was just thinking about Bond games....
  8. I had the same thing. Thought something was wrong at first as nothing was happening but I realised I'd only pressed the trigger half way down then just felt the pressure so stopped out of habit.
  9. Quite surprised how loud the disc drive is actually. Just installed Yakuza 7 and it's definitely noticeable.
  10. Mines just arrived. Setting it up now. I knew the controller was supposed to be great but even without having tried the haptics yet I'm impressed at the feel.
  11. Comes with the PS5
  12. Mine has switched from arriving tomorrow back to arriving Thursday. It’s the little things Amazon do that fill you with fear that somethings gone wrong 😆
  13. I think Amazon said their stock would go up at 12pm
  14. I'm hoping FFVIIR does well. I really did love that game. Glad to see it nominated for quite a few.
  15. I had the money taken this morning from Amazon but still no dispatch email 😭
  16. As Patrick Klepek said on Twitter, I’d probably be more interested to see footage of it running on the Xbox One S.
  17. I think I must have mis-read your isn’t for an is.
  18. Just got an email from Amazon confirming release day delivery
  19. Stolen from Era
  20. I think Amazon are making more consoles available to order on the 19th so they'll probably just lump all cancellations in with that.
  21. Assuming people are allowed to visit other homes again by Christmas then I think my sister and her family should be round. I need to start buying Christmas presents soon but as usual I have no idea what to get anyone.
  22. Sounds like a worthwhile challenge to me!
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