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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Noticed it was back in stock through Amazon earlier, back to the £65 price
  2. I slightly regret cancelling my preorder of the collectors edition but £55 for a game I wasnt really sure on just because I liked the statue that came with it just didnt seem right.
  3. Good choice. You have to wonder if MS have made note of the good press Sony have gotten since they added free games to Playstation Plus and will do a similar thing for Gold next gen. Even if you dont think you will get around to playing a game just make sure you start the download of all the free ones that come up then cancel them. Then after their month is over you will still always be able to get them for free as long as your PS+ subscription is current.
  4. All Microsoft have Rare really doing now is the Xbox avatar stuff right?
  5. Started reading Amazing Spider-Man again from the very beginning the other day. Doing better than I usually do before I give up but I'm still struggling with the older style writing. Im so sick of being told whats going on! lol
  6. I dont like the visual style they're using for it at all
  7. Zelda games are starting to remind me of Rob Schneider movies with the way they introduce new mechanics.
  8. So much Mario.... I may still enjoy their games but Nintendo have become such a boring company for me.
  9. Ive got a copy of Catherine and I really like all the stuff in the bar but I hate the puzzle sections, I never got around to completing it because of those.
  10. It wouldnt surprise me if the movie ended with Clark donning the glasses and joining the Daily Planet.
  11. New photo of Iceman
  12. Its a 3 button fighter, weak, medium and strong hits with back as block.
  13. Don't know why you are surprised. All the buzz I ever hears from games journalists was positive.
  14. Final Star Trek 12 Trailer
  15. I think the demo would have benefited from even just a small tutorial to get you used to the fighting system and combos. After watching that Quick Look I went back to the demo and actually had a better time playing it with a bit more success in stringing moves together.
  16. Giant Bomb have put up their Injustice quick look Such a shame I didnt really like the fighting system in this as it still looks amazing. I'll probably buy it once it becomes nice and cheap just for the story mode.
  17. Looks like they're leaning more towards Ultimate Electro I guess
  18. That account apparently was a fake and has been suspended already
  19. God how shady does that man look on the roof of the building on the left in that photo I posted of the explosion
  20. Yeah I saw this coming through on Twitter earlier, pretty horrible.
  21. New video from Smooth McGroove
  22. I'll probably have to wait until next week when I have some more money but I expect I'll get a copy. The demo convinced me.
  23. Yeah it should take 90 minutes and is best played in one go (says the guy who still hasnt got around to playing it yet)
  24. Finished the first Mansion earlier. I'm liking the game but I wish it wasnt split into missions, not enjoying the stopping and starting.
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