To be fair we can see that Sony already started working to turn the Vita around. At the moment its basically becoming some kind of Indie game device and if they can continue to make the deals theyve been getting lately for it then it might be able to carve out a section of the market for itself. Plus we know its planning on being linked a lot more with the PS4 in quite a few ways, including some which would basically turn it into a Wii U pad.
The PS4 is the only home console at the moment im optimistic about. I like Sony's approach to gaming and they seem to have been saying and doing all the right things in my eyes with the PS4.
Microsoft I wont make my decision on until after the unveiling but its looking very doubtful I would buy their next console. I havent liked the way theyve been taking things in years with the 360 with the dashboard designs and hiding services they shouldnt behind the Gold barrier.
Nintendo I'll stick with with the 3DS but as those who read in the Wii U thread, I sold my Wii U the other week and couldnt have been happier that. I should never have bought one and even if it has a stellar E3 and announces loads of games, I think it will continue to struggle.