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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Journey. Have a break from Uncharted.
  2. See for me those problems that it had like stupid difficulty spikes ruined even the stuff Uncharted does great. It put a downer on the entire game. In the end I just dropped the game down to the easiest setting so I could see the story, completed it then traded it in.
  3. I look forward to hearing what you think about Uncharted 3. I'd say that probably most people still loved it but there were a lot more people this time around like me who were pretty letdown by it.
  4. I loved the Gamecube version, I still remember getting that when we were back on Consoles Unlimited. That game got me back into gaming in a big way when I was having a hard time sticking with any other games. Its a shame that Wild World got rid of the real world holidays from that. I hear they are back though for New Leaf (dunno if that already happened for the Wii one, I skipped that)
  5. Started a new town on Wild World yesterday. I probably shouldnt have as I run the risk of getting burnt out on Animal Crossing before New Leaf comes out but watching all the New Leaf stuff really got me in the mood again to play so I couldnt help myself.
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. Well the SNES version was apparently the worst one. Mega Drive was the bestest.
  8. Ok then I have another 3DS, my code: 2079-6601-4955
  9. Ah ok, so those two are just lying bastards then! lol Thankfully I was planning on buying the XL and Luigi's Mansion 2 anyway so its no big loss.
  10. @flameboy and @Cube were telling me that if you register a 3DS XL and Luigi's Mansion 2 this month that you get a game free. Any of you know how that works because Ive just registered both and nothings happened yet.
  11. Arrived this morning
  12. Its just better voice acting I think Ive never kept Kaiden so I cant say. I'm also playing through the trilogy again at the moment though so maybe I will this time.
  13. I still need to get No No Kuni. The plan originally was to buy it at release but my interest in it dropped a bit so I decided to wait for a price drop. Shame there hasn't really been one yet.
  14. New PSN sale starting today:
  15. Mostly a co-op game with nobody else there I guess. Its drop in multiplayer for 4 people. Similar to SimCity I guess where it should be able to be played on your own offline but designed to be played with others except Diablo III had actual stuff stored server side whereas we know from people hacking that SimCity didn't despite their claims.
  16. Diablo can be played on your own
  17. Considering the frame rate issues that the Wii U port seemed to have and the loss of Rocksteady im not exactly hyped for this game. I'll keep an eye on it though and most likely either get the PC or PS3 version.
  18. We'll obviously have to wait until they announce everything properly but one theory is that they think whatever services they are planning with this always on feature are going to make them enough that losing all the other people who can't or won't go with the always on feature will be an acceptable loss.
  19. Here we go: You Can Now Buy An Xbox 360 For $99 (If You Can Find A Microsoft Store) http://kotaku.com/5908241/you-can-now-buy-an-xbox-360-for-99-if-you-can-find-a-microsoft-store
  20. Yeah I think so. It was only available out of a few specific Microsoft branded stores in the US and you could get the 360 for a cheap price if you signed up for this certain contract. I don't know if Gold was included in that.
  21. I think MS said that the trial of the cheaper 360 with a contract actually did quite well over there so it wouldnt surprise me if they did it again for the new console. I wont be buying one anyway though as I dont like the way they are supposedly taking it and have already gone with the 360.
  22. I was never a massive fan of her in DKR but I wouldnt mind at least seeing her in this. It needs something done at the moment to get me interested again.
  23. Steven Moffat’s Unused Doctor Who Story Arc – What If David Tennant Had Stayed For One More Year? http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/04/05/steven-moffats-unused-doctor-who-story-arc-what-if-david-tennant-had-stayed-for-one-more-year
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