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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Its the Silver Samurai. Usually though the character is just a guy in a suit so I cant really explain why he looked so big or mecha-ish
  2. Microsoft have also paid for #XboxReveal to be promoted
  3. Either way, they need to do some serious work with that character and partnering her with dull Roy isn't it.
  4. Meh. I never really thought she was all that hot. Plus she still looks too young.
  5. Just been watching the first few episodes again. I forgot how annoying Thea was back then, getting pissy every time Oliver didn't want to talk about what happened on the island or how he got his scars. Probably one of the reasons the character has never managed to grow on me. She doesn't seem to have any good qualities.
  6. Well they wont be announcing many games tonight. They've already confirmed that theyre doing that at E3, tonight is for the hardware and a few games like Fifa and probably COD.
  7. Of course we would all rather have all games on all consoles but we know that just isnt a fact of the industry and is not going to change anytime soon so for a console to be worth it for me it needs those exclusives. Thats what I was talking about before.
  8. For me its a lot of things. The way they've taken the Dashboard, more towards a Windows Phone/8 style which I have never liked. Its all cluttered and full of advertising and hard to find what you are actually looking for. The lack of exclusives coming to the console over the past few years and the ones that they do have I dont want anyway. No interest in the Kinect, hate motion controls. If the rumours are true then I dont want a set top box to take over entertainment in my room, my PC does all the stuff I need. No way I am paying a subscription for online if its anything like Gold was. Playstation Plus has proven it can be done so much better. We've had developers speaking out about MS and for Sony quite a bit the past few months, this has been saying a lot. Sony just seems to suit my gaming tastes more.
  9. Bought through the US Playstation Store
  10. Im just gonna ignore it until we get an official announcement. We still have enough time left that any prices could change anyway. Who knows, this could all just be a ploy to get MS to announce their prices first so Sony can get undercut them.
  11. Conroy tweeted trying to clear up the confusion from the past few days on what game he is working on. Looks like he's already deleted the tweet though.
  12. Nice nod to Green Arrow there with the Queen logo on the box
  13. Do we know if this is just EA developed games that wont be coming or published as well?
  14. Such a shame Carragher hit the bar during his last match, would have been great for him to get a goal.
  15. Any of you seen Torque? Its one I never bothered with as I just assumed it was a pointless rip off from the first FF movie but the Giant Bomb guys (who love all the FF movies as well) talk about it occasionally and go on about how its just as nuts as the FF movies, maybe moreso.
  16. Theres just something about the Fast and the Furious movies that makes me throw any usual complaints about stupid dumb movies right out the window, I love all of them (apart from 2). I thought 6 was really good as well (Goafer wasnt too impressed with it). Some great, crazy FF moments along with the usual character stuff which I think is probably one of the things that helps these movies stay watchable.
  17. I dont know about the other guys but I dont like paying extra for an effect I dont really like. Plus if I can help it then I dont want to be adding to the sales numbers for 3D films. Also it darkens movies, some it doesnt matter but I remember in Green Lantern it got pretty annoying.
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