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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. With the way they handled the NES Mini I dont really want to give Nintendo any money for this next version.
  2. Bought myself the Switch version of this. I could use a game to play on the console while I wait for MK8.
  3. I think Jamba mentioned not to do the original fix which was soldering and not the conductive foam.
  4. Personally I think you've read way too much into it. She was obviously feeling a but embarrassed and answered your question a bit awkwardly. I'm sorry but if anything you were the one who made things worse by saying "would that be such a bad thing", basically putting her on the spot to answer.
  5. Finally got myself a 3DO for my console collection
  6. He wasnt the first Persona I fused so I dont think so.
  7. So close to buying a 3DO at the moment. I did put an offer in on a bundle this morning but it looks like they sold to someone else.
  8. I look forward to seeing whats announced at E3. There isnt much I'm planning on getting for the Switch other than MK8 that I'm not going to get elsewhere instead so I'd like a good showing.
  9. Thats one thing I've noticed about P5 actually. In P4 I never wanted to get rid of Izanagi and spent longer with him than I probably should have. In P5 I fused Arsene almost straight away.
  10. Looks like Josh Brolin has been confirmed as Cable in Deadpool 2
  11. Figured we could use a thread for this Yakuza 1 remake now that preorders went up today for the UK version http://www.shopto.net/video-games/ps4/PS4YA02-yakuza-kiwami-steelbook-edition
  12. Think I might have to get all of mine out in the next few days. It would be nice to try and sort them out a bit and stored properly.
  13. Looks like Engadget have jumped the gun https://www.engadget.com/2017/04/11/bayonetta-brings-heel-guns-and-hair-fights-to-the-pc/ Looks like Engadget have pulled the article. Basically Bayonetta 1 is being released on Steam today.
  14. Well theres only an hour and a half left so we'll know soon.
  15. Just preordered 'The Art of Persona 5' book. Comes out June/July.
  16. Another interesting gaming book popped up on my feed today. Playstation Anthology. I like the look of it but its quite a bit more expensive than the usual gaming books I get and then another 15 euros for delivery so I might just wait until it comes out and is stocked in the UK.
  17. Im not really interested in Arms or Splatoon 2 so I hope the new announcements are good.
  18. Sega currently has a countdown running on their site. People on Neogaf seem to think its gonna be an announcement for a PC version of Bayonetta. http://www.sega.com/14111219
  19. I'm happier with it on a tv to be honest. Thats how I played P4 and most of P4G through the Playstation TV. I played P3P on my Vita but was never massively happy with that version anyway. Felt it lost too much of the charm when it got rid of most of the animations.
  20. It may not have happened as much but it always happens around the same times in both games. Its when you're basically moving onto the next part of the story so you are limited to what you can do during the day/at night. In these games I always get my dungeon stuff done as soon as possible and then spend the remaining time working on my social links/boosting stats or making money.
  21. It did happen in P4, there just wasnt a specific character doing it. I'm just starting the second dungeon at the moment. Still loving the game but I think I do still prefer the whole atmosphere/story/location/characters from 4 a bit more. I felt it all clicked a lot better.
  22. Yeah I didn't think character progress would carry over, was just hoping character purchases would. I bought a few of my MH characters so it would have been nice if they were unlocked for the console version.
  23. New Bitmap Books Visual Compedium Kickstarter has launched, Snes/Super Famicom this time. I've just backed it.
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