My work is so moronic sometimes (always). Got a text today on my day off saying the signature we were waiting for had arrived so could I tidy up the scan and send it onto our designer.....the designer who we pay to do design stuff like tidying things up and who will have actual design software instead of the free version of Gimp that I have to use.
I just ignored them and forwarded it to her as is.
I still need to finish watching Attack on Titan at some point. I got just over half way through when it was originally released and then just dropped off and never came back to it.
Think I'm starting to lose interest with Secret Empire. It started off with an interesting premise but just feels like it's dragging its feet and I'm not sure I care where it's going. The art doesn't help either.
The only real complaints I have seen are about the story mode. Only about 2 hours long and maybe just a bit too weird. The opinions on the quality of it though seem to vary so I'm staying optimistic.
Hoping my copy of Tekken 7 gets dispatched today as I've got Thursday and Friday off this week.
I keep almost ordering Street Fighter V as well (despite owning it on PC) as I ordered the Hori Fighting Stick Mini 4 Tekken 7 bundle so it would be nice to have more fighting games to try it out with.
I got bored of the Assassin's Creed games after they started to downplay the current (slightly future?) day stuff. It was always fun running around in the past but the part of the story I was interested in was the Desmond bits.
New rumours coming direct from Happenstance HQ.
The Switch spin off game coming after XX that will be announced at E3 will be Monster Hunter x Animal Crossing.
Yeah it does seem very unlikely considering the portable popularity of the series. Still though, would be massive for Sony if true.
There was talk it would carry on with portable versions, just not the mainline series.
I see there are rumours going around that Sony have locked in Monster Hunter 5 as a PS4 exclusive coming out in 2018. No idea if they are true or not but I'd be much more likely to play that than a 3DS port.
Preordered Tekken 7 ready for Friday. Decided to go with the Hori fight stick mini bundle as I dont have a stick for my PS4 yet and I've been getting back into fighting games recently.
Just finished watching the first season of My Hero Academia and really enjoyed it. Its got me in the mood to finally watch One Punch Man but I've got the blu ray for that preordered so I'd rather wait otherwise it feels like a bit of a waste.
Looking on my shelves I'm thinking I'll watch either Durarara, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu or maybe carry onto the next One Piece collection.
So whats everyone reading at the moment then?
My current books are:
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider
Jean Grey
X-Men Blue
X-Men Gold
Secret Empire
Action Comics
Justice League
The Flash
Injustice 2
Glad to hear a patch for Samsung tvs switching hdmi channels to the Switch in sleep mode while docked. Ive been getting sick of having to take my Switch out of the dock when i used anything else on the tv.
I really like how they wrote her in both games though. Same with Superman as well, you can really see how they used to be the characters we knew but with just a few pushes in the right direction sending them down these new paths.