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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Unfortunately since my main burst of enthusiasm for the Switch it has become relegated to the occasional quick play. I'm sure that will change again when more games start coming out for it but just going on my initial impressions I would never choose to buy a heavy story game or something graphically impressive on it over my PC or PS4.
  2. There is only one plot point/character that I had to look up which apparently came from the comics
  3. Well there goes Moyes.
  4. Tom Holland to play Nathan Drake in Uncharted movie prequel
  5. Yeah I was like that but I just completely ran out of room with all the trades I had collected over the years. Finally just had to switch over to digital. Got it all stored on my Surface Pro 4 now which thanks to the size and screen quality is basically the perfect comic viewer.
  6. The trades for the first game were good so I'd recommend getting the first one at least. If you are ok with digital comics then they are currently on sale at Comixology but the sale ends today so you'll have to be quick https://www.comixology.co.uk/comics-sale?list_id=17015〈=
  7. Im still not sure if that was a penalty or not. If it wasnt for the arms being up I would have just called it more of a tangling of the legs.
  8. I dont mind the ones without Jeff too much, its just Rorie that drives me away. I always enjoy listening to Will Smith so I would have listened to this week's but there has just been a Rorie overload lately.
  9. Pretty much came in here to say the same thing. That goal at the end of the first half was so important. Not sure how well Liverpool would have dealt with the pressure otherwise given how we were playing before that.
  10. I tend to skip Bombcast episodes when they have Rorie on them now. Cant stand him.
  11. I wasn't sure about Injustice 2's story compared to the first one but it really starts to pick up in the second half! EDIT: Completed it. Really good! Probably going to have to go read the comics now though!
  12. At the moment I only really listen to the Giant Bombcast and Giant Beastcast along with the occasional episode of Comic Geek Speak. I am planning on trying to find some new ones soon though. I used to listen to loads of podcasts and I miss that.
  13. I transferred all my blu Rays to a wallet a few weeks ago. It's nice to get rid of the clutter but I really do like being able to see them all on shelves. I haven't been able to bring myself to do the same with my games yet.
  14. Its supposed to be the Prime timeline. I'm just getting a bit sick of all these prequels. For a show that is all about looking to the future etc it does go backwards way too often.
  15. Just finished reading Secret Empire #2. Not sure I'm feeling the art. Interesting ending though. Flash #22 felt oddly short for some reason. All the Rebirth stuff seems cool. I do hope there's a twist to it though. Seems a bit pointless to constantly keep the villain hidden if it's who we all think it is. Do you read any Marvel or DC anymore @ReZourceman?
  16. This is a really good looking game. I was watching the cutscenes through again yesterday from the first one and its a much bigger jump than I realised.
  17. I always wanted GB to carry on doing more console specific streams. I hope this Saturn one is a return to that. They had a great SNES one years ago and it was their 3DO stream that convinced me to track one down.
  18. My copy just arrived. Hopefully there isnt a big patch... ...950 megs. Not terrible but will still leave me waiting longer than I would prefer!
  19. I never did get my copy of Inbetweeners!!!
  20. Nope, don't think I ever tried that one.
  21. Yeah there really were some nice 2D fighters on the Saturn. I also had a soft spot for Virtual On. One of the rare mech games I actually liked.
  22. I haven't read issue 2 yet but yeah I'm reading Secret Empire. Issue 1 was a bit of a slow start but it's definitely an interesting story so far.
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