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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I was talking about text chat. I didnt get any voice chat in Overwatch either. Plus I only ever use voice chat in party chat anyway.
  2. Hearing those voices they do a really good job of upping the tension and making everything unnerving. The mechanic with the arm and deaths (don't want to say too much about it) seems really interesting as well.
  3. I'm just watching the Giant Bomb quick look now.
  4. I ended up getting a copy of the game yesterday. I was planning on waiting a bit as I'm trying to save some money. The plan was to have Overwatch as my competitive game fix during my 2 weeks off work but one day into that I was so sick of all the moaning in the chat that I gave up.
  5. That article lists a lot of my feelings towards the game as well.
  6. I still think sending out a group email to all members, past and present letting them know of the forum update would be a good idea. Simply as an excuse to see if we could get some of them back and have the place a bit busier again.
  7. I wonder why Mario Sunshine seems to suddenly become a thing again. Giant Bomb East are currently do a series with it as well.
  8. AM2R developer gets hired at Moon Studios https://www.destructoid.com/am2r-developer-gets-hired-at-moon-studios-453291.phtml
  9. I've had a Pokemon on a gym now coming up on a week. So annoying that I'll only get 50 coins for that!
  10. I didn't end up liking Builders at all. I was all ready for a Minecraft game with purpose but it was just boring and didn't really control all that well.
  11. Didnt notice two new Persona dancing games had been announced as well!
  12. I'll have to buy it as part of my Persona 4 collection but I doubt I'll play it. I just couldnt get on with the Etrian Oddysey style gameplay of Persona Q.
  13. I've said it before but the only time I think motion controls work well is with VR. Anything else I steer clear.
  14. I need to hurry up and complete Yakuza 0 before Kiwami comes out.
  15. I really hope it gets sorted for you soon @nightwolf, its ridiculous that you keep getting put through this.
  16. My pokemon came back last night with just under 3 days on the gym. Only got 50 coins.
  17. Is the gym coin reward capped at 50 coins per day or 50 overall?
  18. I'm not actually sure. In the initial Switch reveal people seemed to think it was the old version but as I expect that was probably fake footage I think it could be the newer one at this point. I havent really followed it past the original trailers (own Skyrim too many times as it is!)
  19. The 360/PS3 versions ran pretty well so it could run those fine or maybe a slightly gimped version of the current game.
  20. A lot of people buying GTA V now are doing it for the online so it would depend how well the Switch would actually do with it and how off putting the current options for chat etc with the app are.
  21. Leaked footage of the Comic Con trailer https://streamable.com/adq6i
  22. Apparently the Flashpoint movie has been confirmed as just The Flash one they've been working on.
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