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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Trying to get all the Yakuza games. Annoyingly I sold 3 and 4 when my original PS3 broke so I'm going to have to get them again at some point. 2 is the rare one so is probably going to cost me a bit.
  2. I still need to get around to trying AC Syndicate at some point. I dropped off the series a bit when they de-emphasised the modern day stuff.
  3. Buckled and ordered a Miles Morales to go with Gwen
  4. Been a while since I last ordered a statue/figure but saw this Spider-Gwen one on sale and decided to get it
  5. Ni No Kuni II has been delayed until 19th January 2018
  6. Did anyone bother getting this then?
  7. I'm still working towards my first chicken dinner on Battlegrounds. Best i've managed so far is 5th. I'll hopefully get some more matches in this week, havent been able to play much recently as its been too hot to leave the PC on for long without turning my room into an oven.
  8. I didnt play it on Wii U but I did play the testfire for Splatoon 2 earlier this year. Seemed a well made game but just not for me.
  9. Thanks, I couldnt remember if anything was announced at E3 that was coming in the gap. I guess Mario Odyssey is probably my next Switch game as well
  10. This week's comics: Action Comics #983 Amazing Spider-Man #30 Dark Days: The Casting #1 Edge of Venomverse #1 Edge of Venomverse #2 The Flash #26 Jean Grey #4 Spider-Men II #1 Titans #13 X-Men: Blue #7
  11. What's the next 'big' game coming for the Switch after Splatoon 2?
  12. The only downside for me at the moment for Oculus is that they still insist on their closed off system which is why I'm happier with my Vive. Not so much an issue for people getting in on this deal though, just kind of for the growth of VR overall.
  13. Watched this tonight and really enjoyed it, great Spider-Man film and I still think Tom Holland is an excellent Peter Parker. It didn't manage to top Spider-Man 2 as my favourite Spider-Man movie but still very enjoyable. I look forward to seeing where they go from here.
  14. Now if only they could get the games to be any good we'd be all set!
  15. In a weird limbo at work at the moment. We've just finsihed for the summer so there's never a massive amount for me to do but as I'm switching job roles at the beginning of August I dont really have work to do for either job at the moment. For now I'm just browsing the internet and listening to podcasts!
  16. There was a big 3DS shortage in the US last year as well
  17. Breath of the Wild has now been added as a bonus run incentive for $100,000, hopefully they'll make it as it's one I'd like to see.
  18. 8 hour speedrun of FFVII has just started. Seems quite an interesting one. Apparently the battles aren't actually random but on a step counter so they basically have to memorise the precise amount of steps they take on each screen in the game to manipulate the battle system.
  19. I like to think she was just hammered throughout the entire game.
  20. It's that mixture of sweat and depression
  21. I still seem to be getting the black font on black backgrounds problem with quotes. Make things very hard to read! In the thread: When quoting in a reply:
  22. I tried the demo for Wonderful 101 but didn't particularly like it so I doubt I'd get it for Switch. Let's just hope though for those who did like it that it's an actual sequel and not a re-release.
  23. I've been in the mood to play my Vita again today so I think I might get around to playing FFVIII finally. I started it years ago but didn't get very far at all. I'm playing 14 as well at the moment but the fact it's an MMO should keep it from getting confusing!
  24. Yeah a lot better thanks
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