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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Always going to be the way isn’t it. I remember people on here a few years ago claiming Gamespot were anti Nintendo because of some writer who wasn’t even on staff anymore.
  2. This could maybe use its own thread. Its been split over two different ones at the moment.
  3. I look forward to following your journey through DS9 then!
  4. It is on Netflix. I just finished a re-watch on there myself. I tend to watch an episode of Trek in the mornings before work with breakfast. I'm in the middle of my Voyager re-watch at the moment.
  5. Managed to figure out where I was supposed to be going this morning so I'm back on track now in the game. Back in 600AD. What I'm really enjoying doing in this, and this is the same thing I did with Persona 4 is basically playing along with the Giant Bomb Endurance Run. I'll play for a few hours and then watch their videos up to the same point. Kind of keeps me more interested in longer RPGs I guess.
  6. I'd really recommend watching DS9 at some point. It took me a while to give it a chance the first time around as I didn't like the idea of it being set on a space station and I still find Avery Brooks overacting harder to watch than Shatner's but its got some amazing characters and stories. Real top tier Trek.
  7. I'll put this here as the Giant Bombcast and Beastcast are big parts of the website and I don't think a thread of its own would garner much interest. Variety have done a nice article on Giant Bomb's 10 year anniversary. https://variety.com/2018/gaming/features/giant-bomb-interview-10-years-1202895978/
  8. Few too many games coming out at the end of this year so while I do want to play this, it might just get relegated to Jan 2019 for me.
  9. From what I've heard the story mode isn't the draw for this.
  10. I'll let you know how well it works then.
  11. I was talking to @Goafer over the weekend actually about instruments and how I would still love to get a drum kit. It's just finding somewhere to attempt to play/learn and not drive everyone nuts!
  12. I've already had 3 weeks off so far this summer holiday and barely feel like I did anything with them due to the heat. I maybe got a bit of 3D printing projects worked on but that is not a device to use if you want to keep a house cool! I think next summer I may just schedule my days off for the end of August instead. At least when I'm working in my office at the school there is air conditioning!
  13. Rocksmith seems like really good software so I would recommend trying it, especially as you can usually get it really cheap. The Steam version cost me £7.99 at then I ordered the required cable from Amazon. You are probably right that an hour was too much to try and do daily. I expect that's probably one of the reasons I never went back Maybe I'll give it a try again once the weather cools down a bit and just go for shorter sessions.
  14. Looks like Bethesda will be using their own launcher and the game won't be on Steam for PC. Interesting to see that more games are starting to move away from using Steam.
  15. Yeah I cant wait for tomorrow when it should get cooler again. Yesterday was horrible.
  16. One thing I'll say is that I doubt my adventures will be as....detailed as Smeagols I'm about 4 hours in so far: I can rarely bring myself to game for long in this kind of heat so I expect I'll carry on tomorrow when its cooled down a bit and my new controller has arrived.
  17. I didn't want to spend too much at the moment so I got the one specifically designed for use with the SNES Mini. Comes bundled with the dongle but I think it doesn't have bluetooth as the trade off. I'll get another one if I get the Super NT. I was tempted by the Pro for a while which has the thumb sticks and extra triggers but I decided as I barely use my Switch as it is, there was just no real need for it.
  18. Ok I ordered my 8Bitdo SNES pad. Was getting sick of having to sit at my desk to keep playing Chrono Trigger.
  19. We had better get a flute cameo in the new series or heads will roll.
  20. I bought a guitar at the start of the year along with a copy of Rocksmith on PC. The idea was more that I just felt like learning something new and playing guitar always seemed like fun. The original plan was to play the game for an hour daily to try and learn. I managed about a week and then other stuff got in the way and I never went back to it. I need to make a real effort to try and get back to it. My guitar was just a cheapy one from Amazon.
  21. Apparently a Supergirl movie is being developed. I wonder if they keep it linked to the current DCEU then will they have her come from the ship in Man of Steel. I think one of the time in comics had her in that. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2018/08/06/a-new-supergirl-film-is-being-developed-by-warner-bros/
  22. Just want to add, in Melee my main was also Roy but that was mostly because of how the announcer yelled ROY!
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