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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Given that you just managed to break my spoiler tag and post it back into the forum I'm pretty certain it wouldn't be hard to stick something like this on you.
  2. I think the problem is that any information of this nature could be considered a spoiler. I have played RPGs (and I can think of one in particular) where the focus of your enmity switches the very last minute. The same game has you believe there is a main villain only for that person to become your ally halfway through. I'm not gonna keep arguing with people anyway. I didnt consider it a spoiler so I didnt spoiler tag it.
  3. My problem here drahkon is that there is a point in the game where you find out about fighting Lavos and I know you've passed it. At some point its not my fault if you haven't read that.
  4. Arguably it is. Anything that tells you about what/who the end boss could be considered such. Well I dont think so, especially considering how far in he already is. Plus I never said I was fighting the end boss.
  5. The entire game and story is building towards that fight. It’s not a spoiler.
  6. I didn’t one move that is used by multiple enemies throughout the game would have been considered a spoiler.
  7. I’m in the middle of the Lavos fight and it’s driving me nuts. I probably wouldn’t have too much trouble if it wasn’t for the confusion bullshit!
  8. Im planning on reading the Chrono Trigger book from Boss Fight Books once I’m done playing the game. It’s been sitting on my Kindle for about a year so it’s about time.
  9. It’s an impressive example of how not to handle this. The guy isn’t going to get another job in the industry now, just apologise and fade away.
  10. I’m still usually the guy who refuses to buy most armour or weapons in rpgs because you always find better stuff out in the wild.
  11. I was talking to @Goafer the other day about the court room scene and how I wish there were more like it in the game. They seemed to switch it up a bit with the angles and art direction in an interesting way compared to the rest of the game.
  12. Have you completed the game yet @Hero-of-Time? Seems like it would only take you around this long to 100% it. Edit: lol, damn it!
  13. Yeah I have a copy and have played some. I just have a lot of nostalgia for that animated series game so I want to play through it again.
  14. I tried out the Spider-Man Animated Series game on SNES today. Bit different to the Mega Drive version I’m used to. Don’t think it looks or controls as well. Don’t think I’ll stick with it.
  15. Maybe I should have doubled up and played the SNES controller with one hand and the DS version in the other.
  16. I’m hoping you just didn’t read my post where I specifically said I would ask for that otherwise you are coming across as a bit of a dick.
  17. That’s kind of another reason I think the retro stuff works better for this. I’ve also got a load of games coming up that I plan to play but I feel like SNES or mega drive games can be played in between those sessions when I’m taking a break and could use something less story heavy for example.
  18. Actually thinking about it I think we’ve discussed this before and I was told to just put some paper over the right side of my monitor. Hopefully this time will be more productive Its not a massive issue I guess which is why I would never ask for the whole forum to be changed but you just can’t help but read some of it when you are looking at that section and I use the ignore function for a reason. I tend to get wound up too easily at having to read that stuff.
  19. I need to check if I still have the case for my copy on the DS. I’m pretty sure the card is just in a pile in a gaming cupboard but I’m not sure where the box is at this point.
  20. Is there a setting anywhere that lets you remove the "Posts" section on the right per user? It doesn't work with the ignore feature so I'd rather not have it but obviously I don't want it removed for everyone, I'm not that mean
  21. I need to figure out which episode of the Giant Bomb Endurance Run I was at. Probably got far enough ahead now that I can go back and watch some more.
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