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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. PSN January sale has started, some games in there that weren’t discounted in the other sales. I got Inside and Valkyria Chronicles Remastered.
  2. https://www.newsarama.com/43204-hellboy-trailer-leaks-online.html Leaked trailer for the new Hellboy movie.
  3. Finally got around to starting 428 Shibuya Scramble this week. It's a very popular Japanese VN that I'm loving the style of. Feels similar to the Persona games. Great intro song as well
  4. Well Final Fantasy II just arrived and seems to be in good condition so I'm looking forward to playing that at some point. Just my Final Fantasy III cart left to arrive now. Next thing I need to do is sort out my HDMI switcher. It's driving me nuts now as when you first turn stuff on it likes to keep switching back and forth between HDMI slots so it becomes a game of pressing select at the right moment to get the one I need.
  5. Mourinho has been fired
  6. Pfft, it's got 3D right in the name
  7. I'd argue that Sonic 3D was the first bad 3D Sonic game. I haven't played Sonic Heroes since but I remember enjoying it at the time. A lot more than the stuff that came after it anyway.
  8. 92 hours of FFXIV 71 hours of Destiny 2 63 hours of Destiny
  9. Eevil I'm sure this is going to sound terrible but I feel like someone needs to say it. You seem to have a terrible attitude and I have no doubt that it must be a big factor in struggling to find or keep work.
  10. Yeah I think I will go with Illusion of Time. Looks like it's about 13 hours to complete as well so will ease me back into longer RPGs lol.
  11. I do have Chrono Trigger but I played through that earlier this year.
  12. I can’t decide what SNES RPG to start on first. I’ve played more of some than others but never completed any of them. Final Fantasy II (should arrive early next week) Final Fantasy IV (probably arrive between Christmas and New Year) Illusion of Time Secret of Mana
  13. Yeah see I need my wireless at this point lol. I do use my 8bitdo pro pad though for the NT so it is a bit weird playing and having the option to use the thumbsticks.
  14. What are you doing about the controller for the SG? I was tempted to just preorder it with my SG from Analogue but figured it would save on shipping and import fees if I just preordered a copy from Amazon!
  15. After the amount I've spent this month I can definitely relate to that. I expect I'll end up doing the same again in March in preparation for the SG. I guess the difference is that my Mega Drive collection is already much bigger than my SNES one was as that was the real nostalgia console for me.
  16. Lol yeah but that's already paid for. Anyway I wasnt massively bothered about getting it myself. Just interesting to watch really.
  17. It went for £215.09
  18. I used to like getting those. Does make me miss collecting physical versions of anime.
  19. I can’t afford it at the moment otherwise I’d be bidding myself but if anyone else is interested, there is a Sega Nomad on eBay at the moment, finishing in about an hour. It’s only at £74 currently and I’ve seen Nomads go for a couple of hundred. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F372527458452
  20. I would honestly go back and at least try and watch all the crossover episodes. A lot of the shows have gone down in quality over the years but the crossovers are always a lot of fun.
  21. Got myself a ticket to the Metal Matsuri Japanese metal music festival next year. Only 2 of the 10 bands announced so far but they are both ones I like so I would be happy enough just going for those two.
  22. This year’s crossover event Elseworlds just finished (and was really good) and it ended with an announcement for next year’s crossover
  23. Well I won the copy of Final Fantasy 3 so I think that’s it now for this month.
  24. Thinking about picking up a couple of SNES repro carts. Only really interested in the ones that I can't get any other way so at the moment I'm looking at the english versions of Tales of Phantasia and Secret of Mana 2.
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