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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I just finished watching them and they’re probably the worst I’ve seen.
  2. Aaaaand that’s General Chaos won. I should probably stop using eBay for a bit!
  3. Yeah the article I read said the ones coming later would be around $10 each which is a great price. 32X would be nice but I’m sure I read recently that it’s less likely at this point.
  4. I hadn't realised that more carts adaptors would be coming for the Mega SG at a later date. I might be tempted to get the GameGear one as I have quite a few GG games still.
  5. I’m mostly just keeping an eye on eBay at the moment to see if I can get any deals but I would like to try and grab a copy of Ranger X soon. I missed out on it the other day and was kicking myself.
  6. Ordered myself a replacement Mega Drive game case from eBay earlier. Figured out I would try one and if it looks ok then I'll get a load for the carts that have no boxes in my collection.
  7. I was 23 and went to see it in Milton Keynes with @Goafer. I loved it and he moaned when people cheered the terrorists getting shot. We aren't friends anymore.
  8. He's still directing that and Guardians 3 will come afterwards.
  9. Sounds like James Gunn has been reinstated as the Guardians 3 director.
  10. Looks like my Super NT took 2 days to get to me.
  11. Perfect timing as I've got the first week in April off work so should have plenty of time to play it!
  12. Ok then, just made my CEX order. Went with a mixture of games from my list and one's from my childhood that I wanted back! Flashback Toejam & Earl X-Men Golden Axe 2 Rolling Thunder 2 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie Rocket Knight Adventures Captain America & The Avengers Skitchin James Bond 007 The Duel
  13. Got £157 and a copy of Flashback from cex for my traded in stuff. Now just have to decide if I buy a couple of rare games or a load of cheaper ones.
  14. Looks like Peter Brown from Gamespot has his Mega SG and is testing it out with the Sega CD!
  15. That’s 3 more games won. Desert Strike, Jungle Strike and Urban Strike.
  16. Mid-way point
  17. I'm still planning on going to Japan next year. Can't wait.
  18. Looks great. I love the sense of history to it all.
  19. Last purchase for today: Robocop vs Terminator.
  20. Because fancy shot is fancy. Plus, that probably just is only half my games anyway as the rest don't have boxes so it's not really supposed to show all my games. That's what my VGCollect list is for.
  21. In anticipation of the Mega SG I've got all my Mega Drive boxes out and started displaying them again. Such a shame I don't have boxes for all my games. Decided now unless its a really good deal I'm trying to get all future games with their boxes.
  22. Updated Mega Drive list. Got a copy of Shadow Dancer The Secret of Shinobi.
  23. But it’s a whole new world!
  24. Might head into CEX this week and start off loading some of my retro collection. Not doing the consoles yet but I could trade in most of the games for store credit and then put it back towards some Mega Drive games. Might even grab one or two of the expensive ones. Always feel better about buying them when it feels like I’m not using real money lol.
  25. Not on my previous list but I just won Bubsy 1 and 2 for my Mega Drive collection.
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