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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I feel like playing some Shinobi tonight
  2. Seems like a great way to get a load of content in there as well. I have no real confidence in my own creativity so I plan to just wait until the full launch but its nice to know that there will already be a shit load of stuff available to play in it.
  3. Dreams Early Access starting 16th April https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2019/03/28/dreams-early-access-starts-on-16th-april/
  4. Well the replacement cover for Sonic 3 arrived today. Unfortunately the guy did just send through the covert insert and not a whole new case. I'll just have to buy another one to work on my Sonic & Knuckles project.
  5. I’d heard over the last few years Super Potato has raised its prices quite a bit and it’s better to look for some of the smaller shops around the same area for deals.
  6. Keep getting ready to take a proper photo of my Mega Drive shelves and then having one more game about to turn up so I hold off. Power Rangers arrived today but now Sonic Spinball has shipped so i should really wait for that lol.
  7. They seem fine on the UK Amazon but people on Era have been complaining about those Retro Bit Sega pads having been delayed or just completely cancelled from Amazon.com
  8. Well so far I've come across one game that won't load at all, James Bond 007 The Duel and one that keeps freezing during gameplay, Comix Zone.
  9. Glad to hear it. My Super NT last year had some issues recognising carts all the time. Wasn't until I gave them all a good clean with the rubbing alcohol that it became a lot more consistent.
  10. Maybe try the firmware update and then if that doesn't work contact Analogue. From what I understand if you do have a hardware fault then they just send you out a new motherboard and its an easy swap. Try giving the SG connectors a blow as well. They maybe got dirty with the first cart you tried and its causing issues.
  11. I wouldn't think so but I updated mine before testing anything. Have you tried with multiple carts or just the one?
  12. I've already changed the main menu font from the default. The lowercase one was terrible!
  13. Just got a text message from FedEx. £41.15 import fee which is roughly what I paid last year with DHL for the Super NT.
  14. I'm just switching out the cables from my Super NT so its just a usb plug I bought from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01G40H0I4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. Probably Analogue I would say. I think its up to them to arrange everything with FedEx.
  16. What does it say on the packaging? You'll want to make sure they didn't list it as two there otherwise you'll get hit with extra import fees.
  17. The update ran fine as soon as I managed to find a screwdriver small enough for the receiver. If anyone wants it then let me know and I'll put it somewhere for us.
  18. Think I'm starting to notice a few issues with button presses on the M30 not registering. Gonna have to try and update the firmware I was talking about yesterday. Just need to find a screwdriver that can work on the receiver.
  19. Thankfully it's just got here. Was gonna be pissed if I would have had to worked out a second day or working from home. Updating the firmware now. Everyone needs to make sure they do that so the pack in game works!
  20. Just had a call from them. The FedEx driver is now on his way back to me and has been told to call me when he gets here.
  21. For fucks sake! FedEx have on their tracking that I wasn't available for delivery!
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