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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I'd forgotten how bad I am at Mega Man games Only time I really got any good at them was Mega Man 2 when I was a kid and that's because I spent hours and hours on that game.
  2. I want to be forced to buy every capsule toy!
  3. I might have to back this Kickstarter for a Shenmue documentary. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1496563/a-gamers-journey-the-definitive-history-of-shenmue
  4. Have we seen the trophies for this yet? It might be the first game I'm actually interesting in trying to get them.
  5. Ok I finally made a decision and bought collection 1 on PS4.
  6. I work in a school so im working reduced hours during the summer holiday.
  7. Have you used them since the takeover?
  8. According to Gamefaqs they're both Tuesdays. 21st and 28th.
  9. They're actually released a week apart so I'm planning on playing Shenmue first. I'll probably at least manage to finish the first one before Kiwami 2 comes out.
  10. God I'm really in the mood to play Shenmue again at the moment.
  11. Fuck off. We are no longer friends.
  12. You disgust me.
  13. I finally bought it during the Steam summer sale but haven't had a chance to play it properly yet with this heat. Cant turn my PC on for longer than 30 minutes without turning the room into an oven.
  14. I'm thinking about picking up the collection. Just need to decide between PS4 and Steam.
  15. Doesn't help for the Switch though does it.
  16. I wonder why Nintendo never put first party games in these sales.
  17. That's a good point thanks, didn't even think about guides. I do enjoy visual novels anyway so that's ok.
  18. @drahkon would you recommend the Zero Escape series for someone who is interested in the story but shit at puzzle games?
  19. Lol maybe. Although I have come to a realisation lately that I just need to stop buying games I'm "kind of" interested in. Playing something like God of War and then AC Origins right after just reminded me that I can still get completely get sucked into a game but if I get something like AC Origins which I bought mainly because of the buzz from other people rather than my own interest will usually end up being a waste of money.
  20. I already own a couple of those on Steam. Not bad games but never really held my attention.
  21. Was hoping for a better discount on Dragon Ball FighterZ
  22. Looks like the PSN summer sale starts today
  23. I assume you never bothered to watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood?
  24. I've just started season 2 of MHA. I enjoyed the first season although I could use less crying from Deku!
  25. My Sony headset stopped working after about a year but while it did work it was the best I've used. The fact that it mixed its own audio for gameplay and voice was really helpful.
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