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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Nope, next season will definitely be our season
  2. I'm not miserable at all, you just need to be more clear. "It's" is not a clear enough description and I have certainly never heard the phrase said enough to be able to figure out what you meant.
  3. The plane with England on this weekend?
  4. Don't think I'll bother this time. I'll just wait for the full game. Its not like I need convincing lol.
  5. Ah Happenstance 2.0, what a guy!
  6. I got rid of a lot of my PS4 games recently. Just kept the main ones I either still plan to play or ones like GTA V that I go back to a lot. I have no interest in collecting modern games. That’s also another reason why I’m happy to just buy those digitally. I think my collection stops at the PS2/Xbox/GameCube era.
  7. Don’t think I have any sealed copies of anything in my collection.
  8. I’m thinking about picking up Detroit as I’ve got next week off work and I refuse to turn the PC on in this heat so I need a PS4 game to play. Edit: Ordered it and got a free copy of the new Blade Runner as well so that’ll help pass the time.
  9. I'm back bidding on N64s at the moment. It'd be nice if I could just get a mini instead but all the rumours around that seem to have died down at the moment.
  10. Speaking of Giant Bomb, it was 5 years yesterday since Ryan Davis passed away. Still think about him quite a bit when watching their stuff and wonder what he would have thought about games etc. Best host they ever had.
  11. The thread on Era was ridiculous. Full of people bitching that their favourite game wasn’t on there despite the fact that it’s a series where they add to the list as they play the games. Plus you can’t argue with their clear scientific methodology!
  12. Big PSN sale started today. Hoping we get one this week as well.
  13. Lapping up these Columbian tears
  14. Fuck you Columbia you dirty bastards! Thank fuck for that.
  15. Couldn’t be anyone other than Henderson
  16. God I hate penalties
  17. I don’t particularly care about England winning at this point, just Columbia losing.
  18. I’m going to be livid if England lose this. You cannot let pieces of shit like Columbia continue through.
  19. What do we think then, will Southgate shake the Columbian coach’s hand? I expect he will but I know I wouldn’t.
  20. These kind of matches should be looked at after the fact. Columbia doing all this should result in an International ban.
  21. Henderson always lets his anger get the better of him. Glad we’re winning though. Can’t let a dodgy team like Columbia get any further!
  22. Oh no doubt it was a red, can’t believe he got away with it.
  23. Embarrassing from Henderson. Columbia are dirty fucks though aren’t they.
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