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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I may have been way off (way. way off) base on the graphical capabilities, but if this is true I was right about Nintendo sticking with ARM.
  2. This man speaks the truth.
  3. I must say I can't remember a single detail of the last book. Literally nothing, and I did read it. I generally enjoy the movies, except I don't like the actors for the kids.
  4. Holy coincidence. I clicked on the thread to read the new post (yours LOT), and as the thread loads I start thinking of mcj's post and how Palin quit because of all the abuse. Then bam, there's your post echoing the same thought.
  5. Ashley, Taco Bell is about the cheapest shit you can get. Man, our Taco Bells don't have fries.....or Queues.
  6. What makes it funnier is that the actor played Ann in Arrested Development as Micheal Cera's girlfriend in the show. Nope.
  7. I can see a simultaneous launch creating some massive shortages...
  8. Nolan

    Halo: Reach

    Eh I played the beta so I'm not too concerned. Speaking of which, I am so glad they fixed the DMR. It was worse than the Battle Rifle in the beta (and I loathe the Battle Rifle) but they tweaked it enough that it's my favorite conventional weapon in the game. Along with the Needle Rifle due to it's 3 hit supercombine. I also loathe Sniper Matches, they're the worse. It doesn't help that I'm a horrid sniper in every game that isn't Gears of War.
  9. The really amazing thing, it has Levitate...It has no weaknesses. #649 Genosekuto looks like a Tyranid to me. Scrolling through a couple times I've decided Smug Dragon (497 Jaroda) Broccoli Monkey (511 Yanappu) Happy Mole (529 Mojuryuu) Angry Fish (550 Basurao) Rad Croc (553 Warubiaru) Metroid's Second Cousin (579 Rankurusu) Ghost Chandelier (609 Shanderaa) Axe Head (612 Ononokusu) Angry Snowflake (615 Furiijio) Tyranid (649 Genosekuto) Are the designs I like.
  10. Nolan

    Halo: Reach

    Bought it yesterday and took about 6 hours to finish the campaign on Normal. Mind you I skipped approximately all of the fighting in Mission 10. I didn't stop to fight until the Hunters because the door was closed. FYI, you can get the mongoose past the barricade pretty easily. It was great fun, but I can't really pick out any particular moments that I'd love to go back and play again, even Halo 2 had that. I'll probably start a Legendary run later today, and in 6 hours likely not be done with the 3rd mission. I don't have Gold right now and don't plan on getting it particularly soon, but even so I've messed around with Firefight and the custom settings. Amazing what you can change. Legendary+Invulnerability+Trigger Happy covenant really shows what the engine can do in terms of pure insanity going on.
  11. Well Metro 2033, Just Cause 2, Mafia II. On their highest settings they are noticeably much better looking than Console counterparts, a generational leap in graphics no Crysis is the only one for that still. Then again Graphics aren't the only part of making a game more advanced. Mafia II extensively uses PhysX to improve cloth and particles, and it's quite demanding to simulate a persons clothing as if it was real cloth.
  12. What I heard is it'll be an action game without guns or swords. What I gather is through the power of baseball you murder people::shrug: I'd be more interested if it wasn't for Kinect. Still though, you really have to hand it to Suda51 for jumping on alternative control methods.
  13. I've played both, but I'd surely like the opportunity to buy and play them again. Thought I do still have the PS2 versions.
  14. Yay for more Steel Battalion, Boo for lack of awesome controller.
  15. Time to get a PS3 I suppose...
  16. Wireless encryption/security protocols. No, it won't work with WPA though. Multiplayer is only local though and so far the DLC isn't that great, but the online store that changes daily is fantastic. If you're really interested in getting the online though, look into USB wifi adapters.
  17. And yet PC games look better and turn a profit.
  18. No....that character design is just bad.
  19. West coast US at that.
  20. I think that's partly the way they decided to push the gameplay. Tons of things going on at a lower res/poly count vs few things going on higher res/poly. Like MT Framework, Dead Rising looked crappy compared to Lost Planet.
  21. The Ninth Circuit Court has the most over turned rulings in the country iirc, so don't get too worried just yet. Just as long as other courts don't decide to follow lead with the EULA agreement holding up in court.
  22. Nolan


    I feel the need to quote myself.
  23. Nolan


    Non-smokers a question if you will. Do you drink alcohol? If yes then fuck off you're also choosing to poison your own bodies. If no, stop being so uptight and live a little. :p Yes yes Alcohol isn't the same as smoking (doesn't affect another beings body), but it can still ruin the drinkers body and be addictive.
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