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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. At the very least if enough people use this, like J7 said the IPs aren't tied to each post. To us we can suspect everyone on the forum, he just has a narrower list of suspects and the more people that use it the more suspects. Then again there are also probably logs one could use to match up log in times to post times. Anonymity is kinda like a car lock. It keeps the honest honest, but it doesn't really stop anyone. I do think this is a neat idea in a way, but anything I'm willing to confess I'd just do it out in the open, otherwise...
  2. I was considering it.
  3. Wow, that post is much longer than I thought it was.
  4. Drunk drunk drunk. Well more buszzed really. I'm going to fgvie drinking livgefe advice though. I',m also regugfusing use of the backspace key. Step one. Always place your pinky finger beneath your drink. This helps you dto not drop your drink. If you drop your drink the bartendre will curt you off. Two, If you can't feel your lisps, yur;e ...you're drukn. If you're drunk and you can still feel you're ilips, you're doing it wrong. Three, I had a 3 but I can't rememrer, what was it. I'm yrtping this with my etes closed and rocking my head back and forth. it's rahter gun.,trying to rememeger what 3 was. Maybe I dind't have a 3 at all. Eyes still cloooosed, I wonder how I'm doing. Ah well, I know I had a 3 bu t I'll never remember it, so I'll just wuit typing now. Wiat, 3 was kf yu can't find a bottle opener, keys work well lswell. Opening a bottle with keeys gets odly easier the drinker you get, and it makes for a good party trick. Ising keys really isn't good advice though like 1 and 2. Eyes open now....huh I know enopgh not to end a sentance with too,m but still end it with weell and as well nest to each other. cvblasted no bvackspacing. I hate it. I suppose I could keep my eteyes open and type slower. That's no fun though, not at all. Mistalkes are funnier,.. Nap.
  5. I received a layoff from my job. Just in time for Thanksgiving (which it was up in the air about working it or not). This is a welcomed thing, as the past 30 odd days I've been working 12 hours. Cash is great, but the shit sucks anyways.
  6. That picture is inappropriate....Just look at the pommel of Scott's sword.
  7. Well, the Asian PS3 version does have a English language option. It's also known as Red Seeds Profile instead of Deadly Premonition.
  8. Awesome game is awesome, I'm glad it finally got a PAL release so everyone else can enjoy it awesome terrible-ness. Never finished it though and haven't played in ages.
  9. Using lava as furnace fuel will destroy the bucket btw. Or so says the wiki.
  10. I see what you did there with my name....Joke's on you, it's not my first name.
  11. I don't think the game railroads you too hard. If you want to stay within reasonable areas for your level....well it does. The quests haven't seemed to be too far out of your way for the main story line. With some determination though, it should be possible to just go wandering, that's what I did actually. I crossed over to Sloan (I think) instead of heading to Novac. Hardcore mode is really the only way to play as far as I'm concerned. It adds a little challenge, but what it really adds is atmosphere. Not playing Hardcore mode, and your character is like a tank with Stims fixing broken limbs and never needing food or sleep.
  12. What cunts. That sucks man.
  13. What happened?
  14. Honestly, the very most basic gameplay is the same between the two games, but New Vegas really adds to the formula. They (Obsidian) also don't make stories made of crap held together by silly string. I'm having a bit of trouble taking out armored people. I just can't get through their DT. I actually find this to be a good thing though, it forces me to be more tactical and cripple limbs to give myself the combat advantage as opposed to just going for the kill as was common in FO3.
  15. The real irony is that he's working on an update right now.
  16. That's because Southpaw is just wrong and should be frowned upon.
  17. Posted a page back...
  18. I haven't left the first town yet...I'm halfway taking my time and halfway just unable to play enough.
  19. Well, I gave the Graphic Novel a read....it's pretty basic. Anyone remember getting the short Turok comic in the game manual on the N64? It reminds me of that, except it's a bit more involved in the story of the game. I'll spoil even though I think this is common knowledge.
  20. Aye aye captain. I may read it tonight, but no promises. After a quick look at it though it's much smaller than I expected a quarter inch thick including the cover. The artwork is nice, and it's penned by Chris Avellone so it has a good chance of being well written. As for the rest of the CE, that Lucky 38 chip, it's about 2" in diameter completely metal and heavy. The 7 poker chips are all pretty neat looking as well. Everything is is probably as you expect. I haven't played yet.
  21. In the US the CE is just another $20 onto the regular price so it's not as bad. I'd be very put off if it was double, but I'd still probably get it as it really appeals to me. I'll be picking this up approx. 4 tomorrow after work and possibly playing, but likely waiting until Saturday.
  22. I think that I may have the only working Iron door on our server. Although Red Dust is glitchy and I can only get it to work with a lever on the outside instead of levers/switches ect. inside and outside my home.
  23. Fuck me, I'm afraid to visit the server now after being gone for half a week it's exploded in awesomeness.
  24. Is that because of ports or because the server is down? It's not uncommon for the Minecraft server to go down and no one is able to connect.
  25. Opera, and it worked fine from the get go.
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