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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I'm certainly late to the party, but I completely get what your were getting at Paj(much clearer than mud to me). I absolutely love The Violent Femmes, but getting right down to it, the music isn't good. It's abrasive erratic and at times poorly written, but it all comes together in the most enjoyable way. A different example without using Hitler would be the Earth Defense Force games, bad games when compared to common standards, and if Halo or CoD did some things like EDF they'd be slated for it. EDF however, is just bad enough to be hilariously fun. Thousands (since I doubt it sold millions) of people love it, mainly because it's bad. B-Movies also fall into this trope. Although, I do think music gets a bit of a free pass on this. I don't encounter music of that type as often as I do other mediums, so I'd guess that most people buying Bieber quantify his music as their definition of good. So in a sense with music, popularity="good". Eventually his voice will drop though and his music will no longer be "good". :p
  2. As far as I know, maximizing the window is fullscreen.
  3. I honestly can't think of any other answer myself.
  4. I almost thanked that thinking it was a reference to Justin Long on Jimmy Kimmel showing a conversation he had with someone he didn't know, and his spelling was atrocious.....then the other person corrected him for spelling Bieber wrong. His iPhone was also Jailbroken. I'd post the link but it's been removed due to a Disney copyright claim(?!) and I can't be arsed to find a different link.
  5. Fence tips for anyone that wants, if you build your fence on top of something then remove the block it's on the fence stays in place. This allows for fences higher than one block. Inside on the first floor. Notice my two high fence, and nice little farm. Homemade bridge and waterfall/moat. And the other side... My epic stair case going up the mount to my fort, I've cleared away most of the stone to the left now, and while it doesn't look it my fort is just as well lit as the stairs. I don't know what it is, and I can't find it on the wiki at all.... I have other pictures, but they're boring.
  6. Is that an abuse of power?
  7. Meh, there are plenty of other and likely better games to be playing anyways.
  8. I honestly prefer the old model as well. It's much clearer and the colors look better. Honestly, on a whole the 3DS version is just blurry looking, but at least it has better textures
  9. http://www.minecraft.net/prepurchase.jsp/ Basically buy it in Alpha for €10, and get Beta and Full version free, or buy it later in Beta for...more than €10 and get the Full version free or wait for the full version and pay the full €20
  10. Despite being UE3, I think the art style works fantastically for the graphics. The set pieces look like they'll be awesome, but the game really does feel like a rental weak combat and poor platforming don't make for a stellar game.
  11. I thought The Incredibles was a meh version of The Incredibles. All previews I've seen for this make it look incredibly bad.
  12. I think it's the threat ring from MGS4. Basically it should change height and color in the direction of a threat iirc.
  13. Well, the Wii was 25000 at launch but in 2006 that was roughly $215 and it was $249 in the US. Hopefully they won't follow that same trend of slightly upping the price to over $300. Why is there a charging dock instead of just a charger? That just seems odd. Those RE games look fantastic.
  14. Ever play with Legos, but you have to break apart every lego before you can use it, and someone is always coming along trying to chase you away from your legos or destroy what you're currently building? It's kinda like that.
  15. So true...
  16. Well they sound great until you (I) hear better.
  17. I'm happy with my Sony MDR-300 phones. They sound great, although they're much lower price so they may not be up to snuff.
  18. I'll have to grab the demo and check this out. I'm interested mainly since Alex Garland (28 Days Later, Sunshine) helped write the story/wrote the story.
  19. I remember a little interview in which Nick Cage basically says he just likes to play different characters. I'd guess that he just looks for roles he'd like to play rather than movies guaranteed to sell well.
  20. Nick Cage may not be the greatest actor there is, but most of his films are fun to watch at least. For me, Brad Pitt. He's stellar in Fight Club and Burn After Reading, but then he does something like Troy and attempts an accent, and it just hurts to watch.
  21. If you're installing Norton it's not really recommended to mix and match Anti-Virus programs, they can conflict and cause even more trouble.
  22. While it still doesn't touch the iPhones resolution, don't forget about the touch screen at a measly 320x240.
  23. Hmm yeah for me it becomes shortu
  24. Despite the evidence for ARM being a given there was hope and speculation towards something like Tegra or Tegra 2. Search for ARM 11 and on the ARM site they say the chips run from 350MHz-1GHz...so the listed speed is a bit of an oddity.
  25. You get Rusty gear from the captain collection Mini Medals as well.
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