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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. It's called Pleather for Breakfast. (Bad Girl theme)
  2. I've read some rumors that Sony is considering a Premium sort of payment plan for PSN... Really I can see online going either way for consoles, free all around or PSN becoming paid. Idk about Wii going paid just because of nintendo's current ideology.
  3. How is penises only arguably sexual?
  4. It was a conscious decision on both counts though.
  5. It's cheaper and you can go much higher with HDD sizes than what MS has out. Then again I don't see the reason to have so much stuff installed. O_W you forgot to mention Serious Sam HD.
  6. Yes. RRoD remember.
  7. http://evergreen-rentals.com/images/shovel.jpg http://www.ugo.com/games/condemned-2/images/shovel.jpg That's a better comparison. Flat tip shovels are hard to dig with. Of course that isn't to say it's hard to fps with a controller.
  8. I think you misunderstood him. Like you said some people are just too good with K/M, in the same vein there are people like that with Controllers as well but the mouse users would beat controller hands down. Of course it's just not an issue outside Quake 3 on DC, playing that back in the day you could tell who had a mouse and who had the pad. Same principal now.
  9. Well, graphically they are better(not a big thing, but it's what PC guys love) L4D also has bonuses of free content, and free multiplayer. Personally I prefer K/M over a controller, as I'm sure other do as well. PC generally has lower load times than consoles. Little things, but they are there. I've never really used Party chat, but most of the people I play with all just use Skype for the very reason of being able to chat no matter what is being played. Works great for crossplatform chatting as well. (hilarious with iSketch)
  10. I knew I was forgetting some, and I also wasn't counting XBLA. (which....B&K could be played on PC). To my knowledge I thought Alan Wake was always slated for both PC and 360. I'm almost sure they've had videos from both versions.
  11. I would like to mention that the Halo exclusives will likely take a damn long time to hit PC and it's pretty unlikely GoW 2 will hit it. Along with ummm Crackdown...and yeah that's pretty much it for 360>PC exclusives.
  12. Didn't stop them from trying though.
  13. Their point system is 1 point=1 cent, at least in the US. So 2000 points is $20, certainly makes more sense than 1600 points is $20.
  14. In the thread you made the other day you say your bf has an Xbox already. Going by that a PS3 is certainly the better choice as you'd have access to the widest range of games.
  15. Bleh. Got a speeding ticket yesterday, have to goto court blah blah blah find out what I owe get points on my license and my insurance will probably go up. And being jobless....weeeeell fuck. In other news, since the start of January I've been an apprentice in the insulators union, school every Wednesday night@6:30 until may...then again in the fall for the next 5 years. Work is currently slow though so I probably won't have any until....March.
  16. A different color door is hardly qualifying for ghettomobile. You need at least 4 different colors and 1 plastic window.
  17. Kinda, it broke that game big time. Crysis and Farcry and Farcry 2 all come to mind. Very pretty but not really substantial gameplay.
  18. Yes. I did some slight adjustments with my monitor (serves for PC and 360) to make AC2 look correct, and everything else still looks great. I didn't do much I just changed my brightness and contrast some. Make small adjustments to both and take note of how much it changes in case it does foul up other things.
  19. It's from Frisky Dingo.
  20. If you have to bounce back and forth like that with brightness you probably need to adjust some TV settings. Don't over do it though, you may make other games look out of wack.
  21. Not until Venice where a certain highpoint tower type was pure white at the top with the sun on it. Only spot really, although my brightness is bumped down one notch in the options from the get go. Gives really nice blacks like that. You may have to play around with your TV settings some to get the right brightness/contrast ratios.
  22. That's sort of how it is. A good example is Marijuana legalization, on the Federal level it is illegal period. On the state level though, multiple states have now legalized it for medicinal purposes despite what our Federal government says. There are 20 states where it is now either decriminalized and/or allowed for medicinal purposes. Still not quite what you're suggesting, which won't happen for a variety of reasons. Mainly the Civil war determined no one can succeed from the union....it's kinda like trying to leave the mafia we'll kill you for it.
  23. A quick rundown. The country is divided into 50 states each self governing to standards set by the federal government. Similar to Cities having their own particular laws, but nothing superseding laws set by the higher power. Each state is given representation in the form of two elected senators, and numerous elected Representatives in proportion to population. Currently a law prohibits more than 435. These representatives "listen" to what their states population wants and "try" to pass bills accordingly. They make up the Legislative Branch. Next is the Executive branch, which is mainly the president and his appointed cabinet. The president is elected by the electoral college...the electoral college is the worst part of elections. It's extremely flawed with no signs of change. Anyways... Citizens in each state vote for president, popular vote determines what candidate the States electoral college vote goes to. Here lies the problem, the highly populated states have more electoral votes. A candidate can be elected President by winning only 11 states. The other 39 could all vote for the other party to no effect. Finally, Judicial, the Supreme Court. The court is nine appointed judges, nominated by the president and given majority vote by the senate. They serve for life or until they resign. Impeachment is also a possibility. Bills are laws not yet pushed through, they go to the Legislative branch first and are bounced around in the Senate and House of Reps until both groups separately decide to push it through. Then it goes to the....Legislative branch I think. There the President can either send it to the Judicial branch or he can Veto the bill and just shoot it down dead in its tracks. He can veto as many bills as he wants in a term. Then a bill goes to the Judicial branch where the Nine Justices determine whether or not a bill is constitutional or not(makes you wonder how the fuck the patriot act got through). If it's unconstitutional it goes back to Legislative to try again, otherwise...it becomes a law. At least that's how I remember Civics class.... Now you know more about the politics and the fact that the US is essentially divided.
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