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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. My truck tends to shift between 2 and 3K, unless I floor it and then it shifts at red line(a whopping 5K :p)
  2. For my Grandma's 80th B-day we made a Photoalbum with pictures of everything she's missed (she's a 20 straight hours drive away). Perhaps something similar would go over well for you.
  3. Now you make it sound like Molly is something fierce that needs to be conquered.
  4. Assuming this statement is correct, and it seems to me that you've been unsuccessful in that goal...that would be the why. What did you do wrong, iunno.
  5. Well, I must suggest Oldboy as well. It's different though like OW said. Flink, you're like the worst matchmaker ever.
  6. RPMs not revs, and yeah 2 grand is pretty low outside of diesels and trucks or granny driving.
  7. >_> <_< >_> SFMV is actually the one of the 3 I haven't seen yet. I want to though. I love Oldboy and really liked SFLV.
  8. I'll just assume you must already have Oldboy.
  9. Isn't it a little presumptuous to tell other people what is life?
  10. You don't really rev to a speed, you rev RPMs which is a tachometer. With a tach you should be able to keep from stalling without knowing the speed.
  11. My sentence was finished, I just trailed off in a way that I looked like I had more to say but didn't.
  12. Fellatio? Oral sex? Not particularly embarrassing, but I used to ride my horse out onto the football field for highschool home games. At the last home game of the season I was running down the field and turned....my saddle started to slide sideways and off I went. In front of 2 football teams the marching bands and an entire stand full of on lookers. I only had one teacher mess with me about it. Inspired by Flink's story, I'll tell a short one I had nothing to do with. My friend was chatting up some girl before a test started, later on he's talking to his friend and the girl comes up and asks what they're talking about, the second guy immediately says Gay Sex....She didn't talk to either of them again.
  13. More like Bohemian Rapesody. No one should cover Queen...
  14. To make another point, draining the tank on a diesel is bad because you'd need to prime it again, and with petrol higher octanes are cleaner which mean less junk floating about trying to clog fuel injectors and whatnot. Nope, you pass the test and you can drive most anything. Additional tests are needed for things like Semi-Trucks and Motorcycles Buses ect, and laws do vary from state to state. For instance, in Michigan (and most places I think) there isn't an MOT equivalent, but in California there is.
  15. Yes. They're plenty fun, you can't drop the clutch but you can still shift manually with them. The simple (and sad) fact is that most Americans don't know how to drive a manual and some(probably most...) are too bloody stupid to even learn how.
  16. I have an automatic...no shifting for me, unless I'm feeling bored.
  17. I literally lol'd when it switched to him playing with Jeane.
  18. True story, my old neighbor was named Bob, and he was always building things.
  19. It's cooler looking in TF2.
  20. I can't really offer any direct answers but a quick google of "nt+cdb0d" gave me this(first result): http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/itprovistasp/thread/07832115-abf4-4c9d-a13b-e319953e5c45 I only gave a quick skim, it sounds like they were having the same problem as you. I didn't really read enough to know if the solution is in there though. Huh, this thread is the 7th result actually.
  21. You Ninja editor.:p
  22. http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Software/Operating+Systems/Microsoft+Windows+XP+Home+OEM?productId=25139 It may be cheaper on some other PC type sites like ebuyer or scan.co.uk, but aria is all I've checked so far. Not particularly cheap but stil not as much as 7. Bear in mind that after Vista was released MS basically quit selling XP so finding a Retail version will be a bit difficult. OEM versions are still somewhat common as companies still put it on things like Netbooks and the such. An OEM product just means it won't have some of the luxuries of a retail product, you'd have to find drivers and whatnot yourself. If you want to install XP on more than one PC you need to buy more than one copy, or at least acquire more than one key for it.
  23. You should play Planescape Torment, a bit enlightening about immortality. As to your question absolutely not. Humans are flawed, solving the big problems like Hunger and Poverty would only be temporary as eventually someone will come along and muck everything up. If given the opportunity would you redo your life knowing what you know about your decisions?
  24. I stand by my statement.
  25. Pretty much looks like NMH if it looked like NMH2.
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