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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. CT not CC I just read up on the battle system and watched a bit of a video on it. Just watching it makes it look rather standard, reading about the stamina points however certainly sets it apart. I've always enjoyed the battles system of the Grandia series, even if Square is ruining the story elements, the battles are still great.
  2. I see CT as overrated as FFVII to be honest. I'd like to give CC a play to form an opinion, but it's not high on my list of things to care about. I've tried to get into Xenosaga a couple of times, but the cutscenes don't do anything for me, and the battle system was like taking a nail file to my teeth, slow and painful. I could probably handle the cutscenes otherwise. That's actually the same reason I couldn't play Septerra Core (PC) And yet, the slow battles of pokemon don't deter me :/
  3. I'm rather late in saying this but.... "You know For Kids" is from the movie The Hudsucker Proxy....made in 1994 so quite before Nostalgia Critic.
  4. I liked both Baten Kaitos games actually, hell it was deciding factor in getting a GC, never played Chrono Cross(but I'm not enthralled by Chrono Trigger so meh) or Xenogears, but Xenosaga was just too much. I didn't get past tutorials, and I'm not ashamed of it. Rihna, you really should try and get a hold of Origins, it has one of the best characters of any game you'll play, Guillo every line is classic. "Sagi, I can't take it anymore! Please let me eat her! She's due for an eating!":love:
  5. Everyone but you and me, I haven't seen it either.
  6. I'm curious, at what point did Molly invent something to allow her to smell people through the internet?
  7. http://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/system/AMD_Phenom_II_DDR3_Configurator/ I'd say upgrade the RAM to 4GB, the motherboard to the Gigabyte MA770T, and the CPU to one of the quad cores. That brings it to 418 w/ VAT. Alternatively http://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/system/infinity_i3_configurator/ Once again, upgrade the RAM to 4GB. That brings it to 399 w/ VAT. Depending on what you want to spend upgrading the CPU couldn't hurt either, the Core i3's and core i5's 6xx series are dual cores (but still very powerful) while the Core i5 7xx series is quad. Core i7's are mucho expensive. Going for the i5 750 brings it to 470 w VAT. Neither of those comes with a GPU. As for your 8800GT, if it is still working, it's still a good card. The best? No, and it's not going to max anything new, but it's still got a year or two of good playability in it. If you do need to purchase a new card, I would direct you to the 5770 which is a little over £100 and should suit you fine. There is also the 5750 which is a step below in price and performance.
  8. lol flink is still eenuh's bitch. This makes me smile.
  9. If my small mind can remember I think I shall stick with [original adjective] just because. Speaking of April Fools, the 5th story in the link in my sig is an April Fools story. Set to Warhammer 40K starring Kharn the Betrayer....Read it!
  10. Ha, I only watched the first one, but I'm currently reading the Mange through to kill time (it's hard to follow which characters are talking in this) so it was fresh in my memory as to what they say. It's quite odd no one is subbing those though.
  11. The real question is, are we Mercenaries or Pirate Mercenaries?
  12. Magnifique. Really does look to be shaping up nicely, voice acting was still...idk just a bit off.
  13. If someone asked me if my food was nice I'd have to say something like "Oh yes, it complimented me on my shoes." or "No, this little bastard kicked me in the shin so I'm eating it for revenge."
  14. Another free and better alternative to Norton is Avast. But really, Norton is terrible, and personally I can't abide by anything that won't let me uninstall is without it's own special tool, that just infuriates me.
  15. That makes me Sad Panda. Well if I was a panda.
  16. I'll use to be fair to state a fact after usually suing hyperbole to take the piss out off something. Band 'X' is overrated trash, although to be fair their songs are catchy. I thought of something else though, people who use air quotes while talking.
  17. Leave it to supergrunch to come in here and rationalize our annoyances.
  18. I think we'll have trouble no matter what if we are trying to choose a direction to the exact degree. 45° would be much more acceptable.
  19. They could be stoned. Unstoppable smiling while happen then.
  20. Shih-Tzu is not fucking pronounced Shit-Tzu, yet people constantly say it like that! If there was really a breed of dog with Shit in its name WHY WOULD YOU BUY IT?! Also there they're their your you're, although I suppose that isn't really part of a saying or phrase though since it's written rather than spoken.
  21. Of course you use the stick when playing Sonic on 360, the 360's D-pad is absolutely useless for precise control. Trying to press left should not result in multiple ups and downs and uplefts and downlefts, but that's what happens. That's pretty awesome other than the horribly loud noise it makes when folding close. This gives me a thought though,
  22. You know...it doesn't look all that bad....until you see the chassis. That sucks man.
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