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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. ITS ALL TRUE. I know that it doesn't work necessarily via a having more strikers approach, but it just seems to suggest 4-5-1 is a formation that should always be used with offensive. The reason I've stuck with 4-4-2 is for my development needs though. A 4-5-1 approach leaves my forwards with less playing time and therefore they struggle to grow along with my team. Similar to why Madpool's 3-5-2 approach will leave his defence weaker. I apologise if my reaction has upset anyone (i.e. blubber dragpoo).
  2. It isn't the fact people play 4-5-1, it is that every team is just sticking with 4-5-1 and making more chances than my 4-4-2 which in theory should have a least some chances if not more but maybe not score them! Also, I'm not thinking of quitting if people thought that was a worry since I'm not performing well in the big league? I've got a few players to settle in a grow, once that comes about in a couple of seasons I'll be more in line with the big boys as opposed to this major separation. Also @Madpool, I think the reason I haven't had this phase of thinking of quitting when my team isn't necessarily performing as well as it used to is because I have other teams in other leagues that are probably doing fairly well at the same time as Elites are doing poorly and it balances out. You could try having another team maybe? Expand that crappy Liverpoo philosophy of having crap defenders? Also, SCREW YOU FLINK.
  3. Omgz a girl. I'm in.
  4. They need the little king. He would be AWESOME/ could be a copy character of Olimar.
  5. It can't be just as offensive as 3-5-2 because you have one less striker. My ratings are poor at the moment as well which is why I'm struggling moreso than the 4-5-1 really. My new players need to gel, but the constant barrage of defensively minded 4-5-1 is getting a bit boring.
  6. Hilario and turnbull released by Chelsea, could be bringing Courtois back?
  7. I'll take 2 million and a milky bar.
  8. More like Krappen FC.
  9. Anything with giant robots is a must see for me.
  10. His value is 5.5mil but I'd sell him for 5. I'm gonna guess that's out of your price range :p
  11. I find One Piece and Fairy Tail to be similar. There's quite a lot of that but it is really good if you fancy giving it a go.
  12. Decided to get VIP again! If anyone wants my 17-4 GK just let me know, he has two goalkeeping special skills + leader! Although unfortunately, his name is Flink Likesdan
  13. You mean you usually have more than 2 hours sleep between 10pm and midnight??
  14. I think I played GTA San Andreas a lot after completing it. I used to just jet pack over to the jet and proceed to destroy anything I could find. That or parachute off that mountain.
  15. Though I'm ashamed to admit it, I never completed GTA III
  16. I feel bad for the kids that don't escape your danger zone.
  17. I'd like to know who "some" of the liverpool players are that understand his anguish.
  18. Eurgh, I got beaten by defensive tactics again! Two major midfield injuries as well scuppered me, can see this season going awful all over again.
  19. Just confirm, I tried it last night. Girlfriend didn't believe me . #missionfailed
  20. Cheers guys! Had to go to college and revise for my damn exams today, what a way to celebrate a birthday! Hope your day was good too Canand.
  21. Oh Flinky But thanks anyway :p
  22. I reckon £350
  23. I recommend Dorohedoro. @kav82 back me up! Also, Kavvy - new Bloody Monday. They've ruined it!
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