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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Had this on pre-order since the start of March, GAME started releasing orders yesterday. EDIT: Looks like my copy was dispatched this morning, which is a surprise...Might get it early then ^__^
  2. Awesome...now I can finally play some MK on-line
  3. Het you honkey aSS fagotts, tyou faggot ass sosns of bitches. I would rape yous all up the ass, ecspecually the womens...I would do them in the vajginas...because i love you all equally, i'm not a faggot bty the way so yuou know....no homo, n ohomo ai say!!!
  4. Pre-ordered this a while ago, after I saw a few trailers. Like the whole close combat stuff, looks awesome. +1 for barrel rolling helicopters!
  5. ...well now I feel like an idiot *sadface*
  6. Boooh MSN keeps saying i'm signed in at 2 places. Looks like someone has my e-mail account information thanks to Sony's epic security fuck-up. Looks like I might need to close my e-mail account down and get a new one >__>
  7. Skrillex Helblinde
  8. Since Playstation Network is down, I've never been able to play this online. So I've been going through the story mode and arcade mode for a while. Haven't even touched the challenge tower, test your might/sight or most of the krypt. Once the network is back up and running I'll be playing alot more of it.
  9. Well I just finished portal 2, fun times...will be playing through again with commentary on later
  10. You said your birthday was yesterday! Your birthday WAS yesterday! yous had a cake and everything! You're all a day late! I win! *runs away* happy not really your birthday!
  11. I've never been on a roller codaster...I needs a rollercoaster roto take my rollercoaster virginity!!! which do you sugest? Mr all-mighty rezourceman sir
  12. i LOVE YTOU
  14. X2 X1 30mil A bit more than I should have drank X2 Girls made me drink them...I couldn't refure teh wimmins
  15. If ity were up rto me I woulrd amake love to and cum inside eachand revwery one of you!viU i LOVES YOUS ALLS!! Wear deoderand nigga wear deorderand nigga! wear deoderand nigga eweardiueoderant nigga weardeoderandt nigga!!!!!!!
  16. Say it loud I'm black and I'm proud
  17. Well I finally did it...after 4 years I finally beat Twilight Princess happeh Martins
  18. Wooo! my 3DS arrived this morning! ^__^ The 3D effect is pretty good, I don't even have to slide it up all the way to get a great effect. Havn't really played anything yet. Its sitting in the charging dock at the moment then I have to fire that update into it. So far so good though.
  19. I really did try to resist...but i had to give in. I'm ashamed of myself >__>
  20. So it was one of the guys from Franz Ferdinands birthdaty today so they had a live gig in Moniaive's village hall...I just saw Franz Ferdinand for free! in your faces! Plus i gotr boob! I got b00b!! franz ferdinand and bewbs awwwwwww yeah!!!! thrust0 dance0
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