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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Be prepared...this thing is huge. Starts just before the birth of video games and ends around the Xbox, PS2, Gamecube era
  2. The Sensational Mary Barclay Band...£500 band for my brothers 21st boy better get me up on stage and thank me infront of everyone!
  3. I've either had the flu or a really bad cold for about 5 days now >__>
  4. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: I played the crap out of this game and finished it over and over again and its only untill recently that i've learned that they've hidden some sort of hunting game in there too. I never even knew that existed Zone of the Enders: Again played the crap out of it alot, theres just something about whiny little kids in giant mechs that gets me off Final Fantasy X:Got everything, leveled everyone to hell and limit broke everything...fun times Pokemon Blue: Got all 150...then i stoped playing
  5. i'm getting a blowjob as i type thids! in your face in your face in your face in your fadce in yourface!!
  6. I WIN!!!!!!
  7. You people are ther invisible ghosts in the void of inforemation!!!
  8. *high five*
  9. - 1 litre bottle of famous grouse whisky - £100 in £50 notes - socks - Lotus sports watch - t-shirt -boxers - random bathroom products - cologne - weird looking comic book styled pyjama bottoms
  10. I think I favour Melee more because I've had more experience with the multiplayer...Brawls online can get really laggy at times, Plus there isn't anything else like having a few mates round for a couple rounds of Melee.
  11. brothers tuti-fruity pear cider..omnomnomnomnom
  12. I finally got my room re-carpeted and painted. Finished moving my stuff back in a few hours ago.
  13. I bought the first one on release back in 2007 or something but I droped it quite quickly. gaggle64 then got on my case about finally finishing the first game so i could transfer the file to the seccond. Finished the first game about a week or so ago, picked up mass effect 2 for £15 and I must say this is a crap load better than the first, plus all the stuff i did in the first game does loads for the story. Saved the rachnai queen on Noveria in the first game and on Illium in the second game this asari comes up to me saying something about crashing on an uncharted planet and being helped by the rachnai queen or something. Awesome stuff, seems like i'm going to be spending alot of time with this game.
  14. I love this movie, even though alot of people say this is one of arnolds worst films. The only person I have a problem with in this movie is Sinbad but hes not that bad if you can put up with the bad jokes. Plus it has Martin Mull! he's allways a good addition to anything.
  15. the Jesus is a jerk meme always gave me a laugh
  16. I clicked on this thread thinking it said Caroline.....never mind
  17. It snowed here yesterday. Not too much though, just a thin layer. Its still settled though. I remember one time in the 90s we had about 4 feet of snow one time....that was awesome. We were totally snowed in though.
  18. £15 total bargin
  19. Booooh!! this is supposed to be coming through the mail today. Except the mail is either really really late or isn't coming at all, sad martins!
  20. This should be coming in the mail tomorrow, liked assassins creed 2 allot so i guess more of the same with a few little differences thrown in should be fun.
  21. Been playing this on and off for a while now, seems pretty fun if you enjoy these kind of games.
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