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Everything posted by martinist

  1. ...my cousin
  2. I don't usually post here but here you go...
  3. Raining_Again's American counterpart made a dating video!
  4. Been playing this for a few days now, really laughed when I was backstage at "the its really damn late show" or whatever its called and they had a guy yelling at this lighting technition about walking into his shot and trashing his lights like that Christian Bale incident. I got an achievement for punching him in the face...awesome. Also did anyone spot the Inception homage in the strip clup staff room? awesome sauce!
  5. You got a 1Tb HDD for £40?! o_0 where the hell do you do your shopping?!
  6. seems that everybody loves Chris Rock ^__^
  7. Saw my first TV ad for this game and like 1:30 ~ 2:00am-ish..... It was awesome, best ad for a videogame ever! ...well maybe not ever
  8. Well, I was going to buy MW3....but now they can suck it!
  9. I got an even more stupid question! What happened to the Collin McRea subtitle? They seem to have removed it from the title this year
  10. Anyone know if the store is back up?
  11. Mother taken into hospital this morning with sudden vomiting. We were ment to go to a play tonight, I got the tickets and everything...oh well.
  12. *insert masturbation joke here*
  13. contains swearing
  14. Got this through my door this morning, went through the first two desks. I've been making alot of wrong choices in terms of questioning suspects, its pretty hard to tell by their facial expression if they're lying and such. That and i'm not too good with connecting evidence with statements >__< Its pretty good so far though
  15. well that sucks balls... *ahem*
  16. o_0 I can get LBP and Infamous for free?!...I think I just came a little
  17. Had this on pre-order since the start of March, GAME started releasing orders yesterday. EDIT: Looks like my copy was dispatched this morning, which is a surprise...Might get it early then ^__^
  18. Awesome...now I can finally play some MK on-line
  19. Het you honkey aSS fagotts, tyou faggot ass sosns of bitches. I would rape yous all up the ass, ecspecually the womens...I would do them in the vajginas...because i love you all equally, i'm not a faggot bty the way so yuou know....no homo, n ohomo ai say!!!
  20. Pre-ordered this a while ago, after I saw a few trailers. Like the whole close combat stuff, looks awesome. +1 for barrel rolling helicopters!
  21. ...well now I feel like an idiot *sadface*
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