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Everything posted by martinist

  1. The campaign is 16 missions long, I played through on normal and died quite a few times...then again I played it pretty much all day since i got it. It would take you longer if you took more breaks than i did :P
  2. Finished the game last night....The last three missions are awesome. won't say my but after you finish the game it gives you the Garuda callsign to use in multiplayer. Haven't found a way to change the colour of my jet in multiplayer though...b00h
  3. So i've played through the first two opening missions and It seems awesome so far. I haven't tried the online yet, i'll play some more a little later. The reviews have been a bit wierd and the Giant Bomb quick look kinda bashed it a little but it seems pretty fun to me.
  4. drifting kittehs!
  5. well i'm fine with that, its about time i voted for someone anyway vote: The Peeps ... change vote: no vote on second thought i'll wait this one out and see what happens.
  6. Well my copy was sent out this morning, fun times ahead....also multiplayer footage
  7. This morning I woke up with a slight headache and a massive pain in my hand... apparently I dislocated my pinky finger some how...
  8. I wasn't jerkin it! :p I WAS BENDING MY PINky dfinger and it snbaped :P i'll get a doctor tomorrow :P
  9. rage buddies!
  10. martinist


    bite my tongure buitch beat snoop gofdgog nigga buite my tongue butvh ch see sthe sbnoop dog nigga1111122211!!!!!!!!
  11. GUESDS WHAT! I'M GINNA MASTURNBATE! GUESS HWHAT I'M GONNA MASRTUE!V GUESS QHy! i'm gonna mastuesbateQ! Guess WHAT! I'M GUONA MASTURBATE! I'M TOTALLY GONNA CUM! I'M YER MAs face¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬!!!!!!!!!!! \\i;m deorerry but may dads base r t man was butiyngi me dringks so He was all like awwwwyeah boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyz!!!! Rab Mingus awwwww yeayz!!!! aw shit i totally just broke my finger hang on il'll geT t a pic!!!!
  12. Today I convinced myself that I had Septicemia and had a massive panic attack. I ended up being carted into the intensive care unit and given a shot of diazepam st00pid martins!
  13. Sorry I haven't been posting much, I have been reading the thread though, just so you all know i'm still here
  14. ...well that sucks....... ........ *wonders out*
  15. I missed the first night, sorry >__< havn't got anything
  16. Anybody know how you "spot" enemies in this? as in call them out and stick a little red triangle over their heads? I've tried every button imaginable >_<
  17. So i've been playing this for about an hour or so and it seems pretty good. Had some trouble learning how to crouch and go prone but i figured it out eventually. Running it on the PS3 for now and it looks pretty good.
  18. Looks like my mum was scamed this morning >_< clicked on an e-mail from the Halifax and the next thing she knows the banks is calling up wondering why shes trying to withdraw £990 and £993 all at once. It was from some company calling themselves "Thames Water", seems to have got it sorted out now though. Atleast none of her money was taken ^_^
  19. I want in!!! haven't played pokemafia in ages!
  20. Grrrr...angry martins! my hotmail account was hijacked and started sending out spam to everyone so I had to shut it down and create a new one. I've been spending what little i have left of this day changing my primary e-mail address on I don't know how many sites >__>
  21. It looks to me like you and I are the only people who post in this thread any more....for shame!!!!
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