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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I just saw somw kid jog past my window with boxing gloves on while occasionally punching himself in the side of the face....i'm confused. Also while I was typing this he ran back doing the same thing, continually punching himself in the face. I'm dead serious... o_0
  2. yeay new years!!!
  3. A hamper of 1990's sweets £130 5cl sampler of Jack Daniels huge bar of galaxy chocolate 2 pairs of jeans a bottle of vintage champagne an electric coin sorter Lynx showe set A bunch of scratch cards of whick i won £42 from socks
  4. The medical side of the NHS is the best thing ever...Its the dentistry side that i don't really like. I sat in a waiting room for 2 hours to get a dentist that literally looked at my mouth for 5 seconds and said I was fine...screw NHS dentists >__>
  5. must...buy...Lego Taj Mahal!!! ....eventually! £200 well spent I say! don't judge me!!
  6. ----- So i've pretty much hit a brick wall with corpse party...might need to look a few things up later although what i've played through so far is pretty good in my oppinion ^_^
  7. Downloading Corpse Party right now. Been waiting to play this for a while now actually. Looks all sorts of awesome
  8. free qwhisky and scottsma n do not go well together!! deftones!!!!!!
  9. So I finally finished the game. Had trouble with the second phase of the last boss so I had to look that up. After I got the hang of it the battle was over pretty quickly. Off to the spoiler thread!
  10. Martin - Servant to the god of war Francis - Free man Irving - of the clan of Irving
  11. So I think i'm almost done with the story. Looks like i'll need to defeat one or two more bosses then it'll be finished. Put about over 40 hours into this game so far and still haven't got all the heart pieces and wepon upgrades and stuff. Most of the unclamed heart pieces are probably from mini-games.
  12. aww yeah...just got myself
  13. WHATS MA NAME FOO'!! Snoop Doooooooooogg!!!! smoke sum blunts and take some shotsd niggaszzz!!! bands are the wqatty!!!!
  14. Can anyone holp me with this?
  15. Sounds fine to me I finished the main story, i'm just doing the territory stuff and the like.
  16. don't have a headset really should get one though. I guess you just invite them into your game or something
  17. I got the PS3 version. Just gimmie a buzz when you want a game.
  18. Been playing it on and off and just reached the start of the first temple. The motion plus controles are taking a while to get used to for me.
  19. Its more of a collection thing for me. I'm not going to use it my first time through.
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