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Everything posted by martinist

  1. FINALLY!! you wait and wait and they all turn up at once ^_^
  2. I've been up since 6am this morning waiting for the mail even though i know it doesn't usually come untill 11:45am or so. I just wanna play it!! >__<
  3. Well mail has been and no Zelda >_>....will probably turn up tomorrow
  4. Haven't checked my e-mail in a few days. Looks like my copy was dispatched yesterday along with a few other new releases. excited martins is excited
  5. yup, they stack like they did in the first game
  6. picture kinda sucks
  7. all hail genki
  8. So I got lucky yesterday and managed to pick up the last copy my local GAME store had in stock. I've been powering through it, on to the 4th boss atm. Haven't really been doing any of the side stuff other than the stuff I need to do. One thing i've noticed is that its surprisingly easy to get chaos emeralds, got 6 at the moment. Also the music is awesome, I've been looking for a soundtrack listing but i can't seem to find one. The red star rings and the rest of the challenges are probably going to take a while after I finish. So far its just been one big nostalgiagasm for me.
  9. So I got up at 8:00am this morning to go to the dentist for a 9:00am appointment with my father. He got taken almost immediately but I had to wait around about 40 minutes to be taken. Apparently they "forgot" about me....how the hell can you forget about someone in a waiting room? I was sitting right infront of them for 40 minutes!! When I finaly got to see a dentist all he did was blast some air around my mouth and said i was fine... I got up at 8am to wait 40 minutes for a 15 second appointment. FML
  10. First time I got my hands on a jet in multiplayer I clipped my wing as i was taking off and erupted into a ball of fire. I haven't had any trouble flying anything after that though, although there is a helicopter whos wepons I can't fire...I press the fire butten and all i get is a click. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.
  11. I admit it...saying i'm not very good at these games is an understatement :P I still like to play though...
  12. I'll give you a game whenever i'm on, don't have a mic though :P finally got it working, got the multiplayer working anyway, screw the battle log :P got through the single player on normal in a few hours too.
  13. I've hardly had this for 5 minutes and already i'm having problems... I try activating the battlelog thing and it says: "Battle Feed" Account not Activated. Visit Battlelog.Battlefield.Com to activate your battle feed and extend your experience to the web So i try to log in on battlelog.battlefield.com but it only says this; "Buy BF3 to get access to Battlelog. Check the FAQ" But I already bought it :P so anyone know whats going on? also it won't let me into multiplayer, it just hangs on a loading screen. I've put the pass thing in nd everything...sad martins
  14. Seems like you guys know what your doing so... change vote: EddieColeslaw
  15. GT review is up
  16. I know its a little early to start throwing votes around but this looks a little wierd to me. So for now i'll vote: Dazz
  17. Warning: massive single player campaign spoilers
  18. The longest Hot Wheels track ever
  19. Got this game on Thursday morning, finished it a few hours ago, done a fair bit of the side quests, now all I have to do is the riddler stuff. Then do it all again in new game+
  20. Hi! Vote: The Peeps bye!
  21. well i'm convinced.. Change Vote: The Peeps
  22. guess you're right, does seem pretty stupid now that i think about it. change vote: No Vote
  23. well i may as well vote vote: The Peeps
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