just pre-ordered the special edition yesterday. Haven't played a hot pustuit game since NFS: Hot Pursuit 2 and I loved that game to death. Should be kick ass with the on-line tracking stuff as well ^__^
Only went commando twice. One time after going swimming in my underwear and another time where I was at a friends house playing in the snow and I got soaked. Felt pretty good if i'm honnest.
some guys are doing a really kick ass LP of this game over at http://tippingforties.com/project.aspx?key=16 They basicly get totally wasted and play video games. There is also some Lloyd x Genis fan fiction in there. So be warned :P
I finished DK64 back when it came out. Didn't 100% it though. Got the Rare and Nintendo coins, although I can't remember for the life of me what those coins did.
Right now i'm watching the sudden swarm of house martins that have descended onto my street
other than that i'll probably go for a walk or stick in a DVD ...or masturbate
My life is pretty good. Althrough i'm straped up with a heart monitor at the moment, the beeping of it annoys the crap out of me. Meeting up with Gaggle64 at the end of next week so that should be fun. I likes my life :P
eh?... download is only 6Kb also once it downloaded it didn't appear in my games tab, wierd...
EDIT: I'm an idiot...downloaded the unlock first, getting the right one now
I can say for absolut fact that Jonnas was silenced last night. Don't know who did it though, Nintendohnut's post looked a little suspicus to me so i thought it could be him.
oooo I got some information ^__^ looks like someone was silenced last night.
maybe it was him?... not accusing or anything, just throwing it out there. Well its pretty much just a wild guess based on his post.
used to get agateophobia alot of the time when I was schitzophrenic. Also used ot get agoraphobia untill a few years ago. Used to have full blown panic attacks in public which led one security guard in a shopping center to call me an ambulance since he thought I was having a heart attack..... kind of feel stupid about it now