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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I think my game is screwed up. When playing poker the textures keep disappearing and reappearing. Also it keeps saying I have different cards than what I actually have. Say if I have 3 of a kind, once the turns are over and everyone shows their cards the game will say I have a king high straight when i've got nothing of the sort >__< this sucks
  2. watched the first one when they first put it up, was pretty interesting. Second one was pretty good too. I'll be watching the next one when they decide to put it up.
  3. Mine seems fine at ngiht, don't really have any trouble seeing anything tbh
  4. haven't played this online yet, been in the single player most of the time. I'll check it out tonight.
  5. ronery hannah is ronery

  6. www.google.co.uk google has a playable version of pacman in it's title bar
  7. My mum lost the sight in her left eye from smoking >__> caused a blood clot in the ocular nerve, then it burst I shall get my revenge on cigarettes....eventually
  8. booooh! Just came back from a cardiology appointment and it appears that my ECG wasn't "normal" needing to drag myself back there for an echo and a 48 hour ECG.....this sucks balls
  9. why do people in GAME keep trying to sell me crap I don't want? got offered pre-orders and Tony Hawk Ride, they must be trying to push something i guess
  10. too late :P just chalk that one up to my refusal to shop around...

  11. done....think i might stick with this LEGO thing, quite enjoyed that. Would be a good piece to stick on display too.
  12. Spent most of my day building this thing 5 hours and i still need to do the building its self >__> I need to lay down
  13. eBay....It seems i was ripped off ah well, i'll be doing my LEGO buying at the site from now on then :P
  14. because the Lego company are dicks, even the basic kits are overpriced imo. How ReZ can afford all this is beyond me.
  15. was watching ReZ's youtube video, made me buy my first kit. £120...kind of expensive for my first kit though
  16. Looks like Dumfries and Galloway was taken by the torries. Good thing is there's no more st00pid Russle Brown. Bad thing is I hate the elected torrie candidate even more than Russle >__<
  17. Bad Eddage! *smacks*
  18. Major points for alphabetical order!
  19. I need a back rub >___> can never find a masseuse anywhere in this damn region >___<
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