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Everything posted by martinist

  1. holyshitohmygod! never played jet set radio, all i ever got was a demo in the official dreamcast magazine. I played that demo over and over ^_^ Tried looking around for JSRF on the xbox but couldn't get my hands on it. Looks like i'll be downloading this if they release it.
  2. eyes have been irritated as hell for a few days, might be my allergy acting up. All I need now is a cat to walk into my room and it'll be complete!
  3. Never heard of sidekicks....I know i'm not with the times! don't rub it in!
  4. Finished watching Himitsu a few nights ago, pretty good in places. Lost of people dropping dead, which is pretty much what i like to see in my animes! wooo!
  5. damn it! I was going to make this thread! i had a much better title for it too...You have just made yourself a very powerful enemy! :P I love him moar! me! god damn it! happeh burfday Arthur!
  6. Ah Warcraft...once people loose interest in it Activision goes right down the shitter... hi new guy
  7. Then i shall drink until my penis is shrivelled and unnoticeable!
  8. Happeh Burfday random avatar!
  9. Wonder if this might effect military flights from here to the middle-east, would suck if they couldn't get KIAs back here or fly new guys out.
  10. I'm starving and there's not a single scrap of food in this house. Have to wait until they get back with the shopping....My stomach has probably resorted to fat reserves based on the sounds coming from it >_> Somebody feed me!!
  11. £5 Was playing GRID a few days ago and I just felt like more of the same
  12. gaggle64 came over...we did stuff...went to the pub....came back...did more stuff...he went home, yeay male bonding
  13. My ma wanted me to come see something so she led me into my brother's room where he jumped out of an empty box and screamed. I then blacked out and woke up on the hallway floor
  14. I'll vote this bill down like a raise for school teachers! I need my south park and animes god damn it! >__<
  15. no its not no its not no its not no its not no its not no its not >_____< that's it! shave and a hair cut for me then!
  16. Went to see "how to train your dragon" in 3D with gaggle64. It was alright in places, wasn't really much "3D" to speak about apart from a few "holy shit Ned! Its coming right for us" moments. I particularly liked the 3D floating ash....the 3D ash...I ain't shitting you. and two or three other parts where i see shit really jump from the screen. The movie its self wasn't too bad. Boy finds dragon, boy trains said dragon, village finds out about said dragon, boy saves village with said trained dragon, boy gets laid...probably. End of movie. Few comedic moments, nothing a kid would probably get though They're more for the parents i believe. It kind of sucked watching it through the glasses, the colour was dull as hell, I found myself purposely taking them off at certain points just to see it in full colour...boooh All in all it would be a better movie if the glasses didn't screw with the colour of the film and if it had more "in your face" 3D moments. Would probably do a hell of alot better when released on DVD. 7/10
  17. 160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes
  18. They just give you a less-than-[original adjective]py little pair of cardboard 3D glasses, you know the ones with one red eye and one blue eye...It sucks playing it like that EDIT: lol
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