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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I could use some of that tbh. >__> i'm so alone....
  2. I bought a rug! been making a friction hole in my carpet with my feet, also there's a vomit stain on the floor next to my bed. This seems to cover it pretty well, and it feels nice on my feeties!
  3. All caught up with Shippuuden. Over 130 episodes in three days isn't bad.
  4. 112 eps into shippuuden, should be all caught up by the end of next week. Maybe a bit earlier than that. wooo
  5. because he's the man
  6. Picked up Shippuuden again, about 130 or so episodes behind you guys though. Not doing anything for the rest of the week so I might as well have a monster Shippuuden marathon to see how far i can get ^_^
  7. I hate you.... and you....
  8. Cybercandy! go!
  9. Raining_Again says she can't get on, not even on the alternate link. Keeps saying "Firefox can't find the server at ne.dnssite.net." booooh...do something about it guys :P
  10. Interlink didn't deliver my stuff today when they promised they would >__> I'm a sad panda Also blood test tomorrow morning, yeay blacking out
  11. Should have read this instead. It's the same thing except with zombies...and ninjas.....and pirates __________________ bought a case or runts! omnomnom
  12. says he'll refer me to a specialist if the blood test comes back positive. Might have to get a colonoscopy. I don't want to be violated by a camera >_<
  13. booooh, getting blood taken to test for Crohns disease. Curse my unpredictable bowels! Also need to give a stool sample, this sucks total balls!
  14. Crazy Taxi XBLA gameplay from E3
  15. ....I just came buckets
  16. http://wii.nintendolife.com/news/2010/06/e3_2010_trailer_of_wii_exclusive_activision_goldeneye_remake_leaks just replacing the dead link
  17. now off to youtube to see if i can find this conference in a nutshell!
  18. Anybody arranging the annual mass MSN session for this conference?
  19. GT pre-conference show is starting in about half an hour http://www.gametrailers.com/e3/livefeed/microsoft
  20. Having quite a large bout of diarrhoea, my tummeh hurts and I feel like puking, other than that I'm fine.
  21. Even more so on a yellow background. Pokemon theme FTW! but on topic i'm just glad i'll finally have a chance to play JSR ^__^
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