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Everything posted by martinist

  1. jHa[ppy birthday Frank!! I really don't know who the hell you really asre but have a great day and stuff wooo!!!
  2. i wasd ayt a BBQ and all they were serving was dfood adn booz for fuck yeah ui'nm drunk and stuff!! wooo!!! in your faces underage drinkerws!!!!
  3. 20 loose packs, mostly just trying to fish out missing EX's and reverses
  4. Might go out and pick this up tomorrow, Although i've been watching a playthrough of the game on gameanyone.com. Doubt it'll take anything away from my enjoyment though.
  5. "I'll do my best. Andross won't have his way with me." "Hold still and lemme shoot you." "Andross has ordered us to take you down."
  6. I just droped £89.83 on pokemon cards and a binder, atleast they threw in some free swag for my over spending....awwww yeah
  7. hey there, how you doing? Audio
  8. they'll be pulling these games out of their ass every year as long as 10 year old kids keep pestering their parents to buy it
  9. Happy forced out of the birth canal day!
  10. hey there faceless avatar...
  11. its a 40-something inch plasma
  12. new TV!! yeay!!
  13. I think theres something wrong with your MSN or something, i haven't gotten a reply in the last few days....b000h Arthurs! you're ignoring meee!!!

  14. It wasn't big enough :P

  15. So I finished it a few minutes ago and I really don't know why everyone is complaining about the endings. The ending I got was absolutly fine, I got no problems with it what so ever. Might start ME1 again and go tthrough the entire thing again some time later.
  16. So i'm finally on the last mission, just need to get my galactic readiness up to 100% and i'll start it. Yeay!
  17. gfuess what my nbame is!!??> its drunkydrunkerdrunjkington ...cause i'm fujcking drunbky drunkdrunk, cahuse ui'm drjunk,,...so sftay oiut o f my shded!!!
  18. I've some how gotten into electric six for some reason....must buy all their albums....
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