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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I've unlocked them both already, but I don't think either has the ingredients I require. Shall check later. ANNOUNCEMENT. CLAIMS THAT THINGS YOU DROP STAY WHERE THEY ARE FOREVER IS COMPLETE HORSESHIT. [Which I know someone made in this thread earlier] I thought I would take in the question mark sights of Skellige, however after approximately 10 visits and them all being either: Hidden Treasure Guarded Treasure Spoils of War Smugglers Cache And 90% of them involved harpies guarding them. The slow operatic music kinda conflicts with the fact that they're trying to be Black Flag/Pirates of the Carribean. Plus it's either one song of the same lyric over and over, or a very short song of one lyric repeated over and over. Either way it makes me yearn for the shanties of Black Flag. So I decided that the only question marks I'd check out were ones on islands or on the coasts. I found one Place of Power and the rest were all bullshit treasure areas, now with bandits instead of harpies. Over the course of my find and seek quest, I became overburdened twice and made a dump site at the Grotto, next to the fast travel sign so I could take it all to Novigrad (where my pimped out Blacksmith is in Hierach Square) and get my gold on. Becoming overburdened a third time I decided to tell the Skellige Isles to fuck their question marks and make the grand trip to fortune town. Imagine my surprise when both my previous deposits had disappeared. Which has pissed me off for a couple of reasons: 1. I've spent the best part of an hour searching for shit which has gone forever. With no payoff. 2. To lighten my load I left all my custom arrows behind also. I would've hopped back and forth selling and returning if it wasn't for the bullshit synopsis playing EVERY FUCKING TIME you travel between regions. Yes, I know about Ge'els, move the fuck on already.
  2. He was young back then. I was wondering how they were going to do his elongated lip design in reality. The image isn't perfect with his head turning, but it looks like they've decided to neglect it completely. Dude's too old and unintimidating. If he were still alive, Michael Clarke Duncan would've made a fucking awesome Apocalypse.
  3. Changed my mind on this. Got all the other diagrams I had quests for. Thought I'd go for a silver sword first as I seem to use it alot more than the steel. However the only silver sword which beat my current one in attack power (it has green stats in the sub areas, but I like main power) was the Mastercrafted Ursine sword. However I'm a few ingredients off crafting the... Superior one I think, and now can't be bothered to find someone with the diagram to craft those ingredients. The guides I've checked have been wrong, moreso in the sense that I haven't managed to do something prior. So until I get my mind changed again - fuck it.
  4. So since Halle Berry isn't playing Storm, is this going to be set at an earlier point in their lives? Even though it's a different timeline.
  5. Yeah, but Adam West is a bit old now
  6. We try to have a gathering at a local pub on Mondays. But it rarely happens now due to lack of official feels on the Facebook group.
  7. I can't remember much of Heroes from the old days. I remember the Indian painting guy getting killed off early, which displeased me because I liked how his power translated into reality. Then after that it messed up, every new character was someone who was "revealed" to have a power, as if you didn't see it coming/care. Anyone who didn't appear to have a power previously was suddenly "revealed" to have one all along. I can't remember how far I got up to before shutting off. Somewhere along the line of the deaf chick who saw colours and Hrio bopping around like a kid on acid (which I know doesn't help, he did that alot)
  8. Got some of the diagrams but now getting a little bored as it's not giving me any EXP. Might try my luck without it for the moment. I don't catch as many legendary Pokémon as I can to use before taking on the Elite Four, I use the shit I started with and replaced with marginally better shit as I went along! [slightly wank analogy, but you feels. I can tell.]
  9. YOU LIE! I'll have a look for the shit I don't have anyway. Not sure if I'll be able to be bothered to craft normal versions then go mastercraft.
  10. Because I got mad skills bitch. Checking what I have done: Bear School Gear Griffin School Upgrade Parts 2-3-4 Griffin School Gear Griffin School Diagrams Part 1 Viper School Gear. Out of everything that provides, the only stuff which improves on what I've got can only be available from level 35 at minimum, and I'm not sure if that's Witcher Gear. I'm level 32 now, so maybe I'll get some shit crafted when I reach 35, assuming I don't manage to find something else which pimpsmacks its stats beforehand. It's weird, because my armour changed twice over the space of 30 minutes after that snap was taken. Normally I only manage to find something with a green stat every couple of levels, if I'm lucky. I'm pretty much all out of quests for the moment. I've not bothered with any gwent shit, so I'll have to do some of the Final Preparations and see what else crops up.
  11. That flamethrower thing is awesome. It's really the only sign I've been upgrading, and the Axii one for extra dialogue shit. Crafting is something I think I'm always in the wrong place with, I can make the shit gear, but always missing out on something for the good stuff which can only be used about 7 levels higher and I may pick up something sexier I can use before that time even comes. Here's me at the moment.
  12. I've not really bothered crafting anything weaponwise yet. Mainly because the stuff they can craft is either too shit, or available at too high a level.
  13. How much capacity can your peeps hold? At the moment I'm on 160, and I have to keep making dumpsites when investigating all the question marks, which always seem to be fucking bandit camps or hidden/guarded treasure and I keep picking up a load of shit I can't use, then I can't carry, and then can't sell because shopkeepers have a limited amount of money to buy things!
  15. Yep, just sent them a quitting email saying that it's simply taking too much of my time. I'm wondering if I'm going to get a Skype conversation about how I can conserve my time/submit less reviews. But it's too much effort.
  16. To me that sounds like a base game would be released in December and DLC expansions would be released (evolve) over time.
  17. I'm not sure how my enthusiasm for doing volunteering games writing is going. I recently started writing for http://www.gamersftw.co.uk/ as a "news writer", normally I would take something from Gamespress and work with something out of that, like I do for Indie Haven. For GamersFTW however, Gamespress is too behind so I'm expected to check out neogaf, reddit and several Twitter accounts (and anywhere else) several times a day so I can get da scoop, get it on the website ASAP and then put it on N4G so it can approvals and make it on the front page which leads to views which leads to... something I guess. Indie Haven want at least one article a week which I manage fine. GamersFTW want at least five a week, complete with continuous pressure everyday that "views were slipping last week". All that ballache of an effort and I don't really get anything out of it. It's not that I thought it would be easy, but my work experience as a legal secretary was less monotonous and draining than this. I've been doing it for two days and I'm already bored, I haven't got the time to drop everything and check reddit/etc every couple of hours. I'm more of a review guy anyway.
  18. So after hurting yourself rather extremely (or so you made it appear), and providing evidence of hardcore bullying he got "a warning"? Shows what lax policy your workplace has and you ability to bend over and take abuse before actually doing something about it. You ignored everyone here with their recommendation of legally taking things further to actually get shit done to make some sort of actual impression and improve your case and because of this, spoiler alert, things will go back to normal in this regard (complete with bullshit sob story/"justification" ["oh, I know I stabbed you in the foot with a stapler, but I'm so stressed so you gotta let me off"] which you will swallow) and the circle will be complete with you posting again in this topic regarding a similar issue which you will let slide once again. Simply put: I'm done. For a slap on the wrist, calling your bluff doesn't mean shit in your company.
  19. I'm taking it all as a bit meh at the moment. The separate storylines (which will obviously merge together towards the end, even though some have already) are feeling tedious. William Hurt's moping around*, the woe-is-me-lovesick attitude of Leo, Jill Halfpenny doing fuck all - it needs to get its shit together tootsweet. *Especially when he tried guilt tripping the helpline before finding out he was talking to a synth, cringeworthy.
  20. It's probably the best acting I've ever seen him do.
  21. No one bothered with mine But since I'm about taking the high ground, have a dancing gay* guy. *may not be gay.
  22. It's about a week or so old, but got this bad boy. I know the one on the right isn't as ball-shaped as the others, but the missus has a friend who can alter shizzle like this. Will probably just give each ball a thicker outline to compensate.
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