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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Technically got a reply from the post office, fired off an email to the recruitment guy, the eventual response: "Hi Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I thought the managers doing the interviews would have come back to you by now!! Just so your mind can be put at rest, on this occasion you will not be made an offer I’m afraid. Good luck with the job hunting, Kind regards" So that's a no. Got a letter from the Usdaw Union about initiating tribunal proceedings. I'm wondering whether it's worth the effort. I might just cut my losses and walk away, designing a nice picture dig at the store manager for the store's Facebook group. Currently I'm still working for the missus. Been getting a bit more responsibility, it's alright but I don't think it's something I want to do permanently, so it's back to the search.
  2. Well went last week, basically I may have a "micro-tear" which is why it's been as it is (when raised the calf muscle on the left leg is rock hard), and my knee has taken to swelling up a bit as well. Been given to ibuprofen gel to apply to myself.
  3. It wasn't surprising, they didn't try to make her attractive at all, with that unflattering dress thing and hideous hair. Then near the end they tried to ramp it up with a skintight suit and long flowing locks, which certainly did it for me, but it was too late by then. One of my fave episodes is Renaissance Man.
  4. Needs new powa suppry
  5. My favourite was either the one where people had those implants to relive memories/pictures, or the Big Brother-esque one.
  6. The first season of Rick and Morty lasted only a coupla days until I finished it all - wanted to pace myself. Fucking awesome. Wants more. Wants Season 2 to hit naaaow.
  7. http://gematsu.com/2016/10/tales-berseria-collectors-edition-pre-order-bonuses-announced-europe Where can we go to guarantee this?
  8. So weird, Yahtzee did a thing on the Capcom Five last week: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/116940-Capcom-Five-Review Only a year behind you.
  9. Ash practically fists science in every episode of the X/Y anime.
  10. Fight the power @Jimbob. I thought my Post Office interview went rather well. However they haven't gotten back to me when they said they would (Monday), so I sent an email to the recruitment guy asking about the status of my application and I have received no reply. A little worried about that now. Will ring him this Monday when I'm free. Currently working with/under the missus at her lab. I've been doing the science and shit, I know what I'm doing but not necessarily the why bit. I know I'm filtering water and stuff. S'about it. It gets rather taxing after awhile. I haven't felt that worn out for some time. Although we only get 30 mins break. At least I can use Kelly as an official reference on my CV now. Here's hoping the interview at Costa goes alright tomorrow. I'm not sure whether to explain that I'm not at Tesco anymore - when they phoned earlier this week I semi-implied I still worked there "At Tesco I did X..." or "The team I worked with at Tesco..." using past participles without explicitly stating I no longer worked there. I may lay my cards on the table tomorrow and they can feel my honestly, on the other hand I fear it'd backfire and they wouldn't want to hire someone who was dismissed for "gross misconduct" On that note, I've decided to appeal my termination just because - I stated that my previous warning was inaccurate and when researching the social media policy for Tesco I came across one which was apparently made 7 Dec 2015, the last policy I signed being in 2011. I stated that I wasn't given opportunity to read/sign this new* policy and if I had been able to do so these events wouldn't have occurred. I also said I would be seeking legal assistance with regards to bringing an unfair dismissal claim because of this. Haven't heard anything since (only sent on Thursday) but am interested in their response. *It does appear to be more comprehensive than the other one. It states that it "consolidates all guidance on social media into one policy" implying that guidance has been taken from somewhere else ie. not in the original policy.
  11. I'm surprised that they haven't given Link's Awakening/Oracle games full 3D remakes, looking somewhat like Link Between Worlds. I agree, he spent a small section fleshing out that they were different the completion of one has a small impact on playing the second afterwards, but the rest of the video was spent mentioning previous games in the series and just felt that it was rushed when it was made. The ones that popped out of the water and fired stuff at you? They do alright in 3D:
  12. Looking for some advice here... my left leg has been having some pain for awhile. It doesn't hurt when walking but if I bend it too far forward - your leg is at 90 degrees when sitting, bend them further so you're at 45 degrees and the top of my calf hurts, just below the knee. Its been like this for almost a month now and I haven't done any leg exercises at the gym because of this. I've barely been to the gym at all recently. I'm at a loss as I haven't injured it or strained it or anything...
  13. The Litten final evolution looks like a Pyroar fucked a Krookodile and had a kid.
  14. It's the only Avatar thing I've seen. Didn't seem like a "bad" film. But just hearing people call each other a bender so casually was weird.
  15. Never said it did. All I know is that this card was inspired by the anime Greninja and it was something where it was written down so as to answer your question of "They're actually calling it Ash-Greninja?" in the affirmative. I didn't think you were going to be such a dick over having a question answered.
  16. So much One Piece shizzle... I think an intervention may be order.
  17. Is it all 90% subtitles? I watched the first episode yesterday and whilst I found it interesting it felt like a lot of work. I'm not sure I could cope with it throughout.
  18. Decided to use my Grainger Games voucher before the time ran out.
  19. You got attacked by a 404 error?!
  20. I have had similar warnings about it before. I did bitch about a couple of people messing up my hard work, but that was at least 2 years ago. The most recent ones was cancelling some overtime over Facebook, one before last was mentioning how Tesco wouldn't be 24 hours anymore, which was a warning about "making a post on social media about Tesco after being given warnings about making inappropriate posts on Facebook", which the post in question wasn't inappropriate at all. The most recent one was the Attenborough/Hammond picture, which like the one before was harmless, but they're fisting image at the moment and I'm not PC Principal enough for them. I'm tempted to contact one of my journalist friends about an exposé about the shading goings on of the management. Fuck shit up royally.
  21. pr0 updatesings: Well last week it got escalated to a gross misconduct because I was apparently "sticking two fingers up at the policy" [abouts social medias] so was booked in for a discussion with the store manager yesterday. Answered some questions an' stuff, showed remorse, then he adjourned it until today. Which brings me onto the real kicker... And I won't in this case! Because I just got sacked.
  22. Of what? An unboxing video? Bitch pah-leeeese. There'll be boxes of the stuff at our game store come pre-release events, if I'm gagging for one then I can invest. But I haven't bought a booster box of cards since... BreakThrough I think. Just sold a shit ton of bulk cards as well.
  23. Get any spares of the Dragonite EX/Machamp BREAK/Full art trainers, hook a bro up. On a side note though: unboxing videos: Urgh. :p
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