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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Really don't know what my take is on this, got an email earlier: "Hi there You have logged in to Reed in the past week and at some point in your cv you have "bar" Please call me if you are interested in working at Nottingham Forest FC or Nottingham Trent uni on a casual basis. I have a lot of bar and hospitality work especially in the coming few months." Now, a little suspicious as this seemed, certainly did check some shit out on Reed and I do have bar in my CV, it appears more legit than the commission shit. It's just the casualness which concerned me. So I ask: "Could you please be more specific on what you mean by casual?" The response: "Give me a call better than playing email tennis mate " I may call him, for now I'm just... keeping it casual.
  2. For the POP fans in da house, I've noticed my gaming store now has some Mega Man ones.
  3. Expanding on this, her reply was: "In terms of feedback, please see below: · It would not be beneficial to yourself to have a placement with us for the time you specified as this would not give you enough time to develop and learn. We look to offer placements of 2/3 days a week (or more) as this will enable both parties to gain from the placement. · We also cannot offer a paid role at this current moment, and we cannot comment on the ability of a placement to turn into a paid role. · You came across well in the interview, but your thirst and desire for a career in the legal world did not come across." Then applied some, what I think was, hardcore beatdown: "Thank you for your feedback, although I find it most troubling. I did offer 2-3 days as a minimum placement, was it full days you were after? If so this does concern me if other firms feel that way as I wouldn't be able to obtain any placements with my current working hours. I was aware that it was unpaid and in no way expected to be offered a definite position in the future, that was just wishful thinking. The fact you also didn't feel my passion for a career in law also puts me at unease. I thought my rushing home from work and knocking at your door in under an hour was attestation enough, as well as the qualifications I've attained in my own time and expense. The only reason I can put this down to is nerves, this was the first legal career based interview I have had in several months and I did not want to come on too strong. Regardless of my concerns, I do appreciate your getting back to me and I shall try to work on these factors for future applications." Never got a reply back, which I'm not expecting any time soon.
  4. I was thinking of buying the Edge book also, but for a tenner it was too steep for me.
  5. I'm finding this Windows 10 thing a bit of a ballache now. It's all on. New graphics card in and it keeps freezing on me randomly. Sometimes it can run for hours before it stops or less than ten minutes. Some Googling mainly kept coming back to either "update your graphics drivers" which they already were and "Windows know about it and they're working on it" Thought I'd check about, and found the readings on my graphics card have the GPU at 100% straight from startup. Sometimes 102%. I can't see anything in the processes which is taking up all this data. I did read that it could be a bitcoin miner virus so downloaded malwarebytes which found nothing and then Hitman Pro which found "traces" of stuff and removed them, but the problem persists.
  6. Why not get yo' anus to the Steams?
  7. Pyroar isn't really playable at the moment. There are Talonflame decks being tried, as the normal Talonflame has an ability that lets you play it as a basic at the beginning of the game.
  8. I don't know what it is with bosses not realising something is our fault, yet hammering home that we need to do our job. We all got dragged into a meeting where were shown some reports showing some routines we were doing were 0% (ie we weren't doing anything) yet we had the paperwork which showed that we were doing the job. So the system was to blame but he didn't seem to grasp the message. We also got commanded to leave our group Whatsapp chat group* as he felt some things weren't appropriate, namely the various pictures of Shia. Then says how we should be communicating to each other more effectively. Warehouse is a complete shit tip because of the student return, we can't move because of the sheer number of cages with bedding, dish drainers and bins is fucking ridiculous. But we're still expected to deliver all our routines by way of... he never really got round to do our job with all these obstacles. *Naturally I'll be making a new one, but the whole process of telling us to get our phones out and direct us to the leave group button...
  9. Nice one Jethro! Did you fork out any extra?
  10. Perhaps, but to in order to have more going and seeing, there is a fair bit of doing in order to progress. For me, it just wasn't worth the time.
  11. Nah, there are a fair few places you can go and there is a fair bit to see, but there isn't a lot to actually do.
  12. Nottingham Massive.
  13. It's a little over minimum wage but I'm only contracted 25 hours a week. The missus earns a little more than me. But I still pay my way. It just leaves me with about £200 for the rest of the month.
  14. Depends how many X's you have to attack to get enough Y to make Z.
  15. That final eh?
  16. Using the skillz of a calculator. If I spread a cool one mil over 60 years that would give me just over £16,500 a year. Which is double what I make now. I could live comfortably off that. However I doubt I would do that. I'd probably make a few investments. Jump back into university or some other educational endeavour which I wouldn't have been able to do as I would've been busy working. Pay off the mortgage/get a new house/extension and then maybe buy another house and rent it out. Living off dem rentages. And naturally pimp out all my shit. Super King Size Bed. I'll go from a 47" telly to a... 48". I know.
  17. Was it by DPD?
  18. Street value a couple of months ago £60-80. Reduced so much that it came in at £13. Before staff discount.
  19. If you get any Yanmega BREAKs, hook me up bro.
  20. Asking for £40 is an insult, and many agree. I'm sure many more would disagree but we'll just go round in circles over this bit.
  21. You could try asking, but unless they'll be staying there for an extended period, I doubt that they'll rewire the whole house (or whatever the electrical fault is) and even if they did, the value of the house may have gone up by a small amount (going on previous example rewiring a house costs about £2-3,000) I would recommend asking your solicitor if it is something they would consider asking. They must've been in a similar situation before.
  22. I don't expect all of those questions to be answered, some of them I thought of whilst making the list. If you want to play the 80's card, then here comes some extra pedantry :P They shouldn't have used all dat CGI, instead opting for some awesome prosthetics (such as the awesome Terror Hound head in Ghostbusters) and dodgy stop motion animation (such as the shitty Terror Hound running in Ghostbusters). Dem Netflixs... trying to have their cake and eat it. :awesome: Not everything brah Quick edit on this though: Mike and [new]Eleven will fuck.
  23. Here's a few ponderings I came away with: Why the upside down there? What is the point of it? If something is built there does it appear in the real world or is it the other way around? What is the creature with the anus for a face? Are there more? How was Will making contact using light signals when all you ever saw him do was lie about like he was off his tits on acid singing The Clash? Could Brenner be Eleven's Dad? Anusface seems to be able to appear because El opened the gate, yet he appears all over the place, is this going to be explained under "Oh, well the barrier between worlds has been weakened" defence? Or can Anusface make portals? (like the one in the tree as opposed to just shouting "Surprise Motherfucker!" whilst bursting through wallpaper, seemingly leaving no vagina portal behind) Is that facility there just so hold on to El? Surely not, so what else is happening that is so special. Although I am glad that they explained Eleven's powers by saying "Her Mum went under a Government program whilst pregnant, she thought that her kid would have abilities. It's good that she guessed that otherwise it would've just been weird." If there is a season two, here come the guesses: They pull Eleven back with a dodgy reason (see the end of the Onslaught saga), or it's a different/clone of Eleven who has no memory. together she joins up with the kids who will now be in high school, so maybe another pointless tangent of one/some of them getting laid could be added, to fight another Anusface, this time half-human as Will coughed it up and it's been hiding in the sewers, living off pizzas like Ninja Turtles, or more probably rats. This time they'll have to team with the Agency, now with Hopper a high-up employee (so the "I'm just doing my job" angle he's been going down the whole season will be pissed on when someone goes "just trust me!" in the second to last episode), Brenner will still be in charge and be the one to sacrifice himself to close the gate, his last words being "Tell her I'm sorry", a lone tear running down his face, as he charges into the portal, grenade in hand. Fuck my storytelling is awesome. I should trademark this.
  24. Thought the interview went well earlier today, just received the email saying I won't be going back for a second interview. Anus. Nice one Gaggly! Not your problem, walk yo' ass out.
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