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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. A bare-faced lie I can assure you all.
  2. Need a new phone but I'll probably get that beforehand. Mummy and step daddy are getting me a new suit. I pretty much as much gamings I can get my hands on. Depends what I myself buy in the meantime and what comes out nearer the time.
  3. Didn't even look like a 3DS game. Or is it not meant to be? The camera was fapping around as much as she was.
  4. We'll ignore that it came out in 2000 because it's such a pr0 song. Plus it led to this:
  5. Sounds most intriguing. Its sexiness would depend on what's being left out though.
  6. Don't you sweat like a bitch at all? In the day when I cycled in such a manner my back was as moist as ReZ when he sees himself in the mirror. I have to disagree. That leaves one half open to the chilling elements. I do that in summer for ventilation at sleepytime.
  7. In my old job at a pub which rarely saw a youthful clientele, I heard numerous "stories" or opinions on many matters. Most people today keep things short and sweet most of the time. Maybe text speak is some form of secret protest. Or they're still lazy fucks. Either way whenever there's an older person "in the house", the word 'yeah' has never been used so often. Although I like to keep things fresh with some 'of course/hell yeah/I don't blame ya mate' etc.
  8. You do this all year round. Don't try and pin it on a season.
  9. I assume you mean the physical kind because some people associate some flu bugs with this time of year. Which would everyone prefer? I think I'd prefer a mild flu. Lockets can't keep away annoying flies. But I am displeased about the temperature. Especially in the early morning walking to work (5am) But on some occasions it is pr0, getting properly warm in bed and knowing you're not going to wake up boiling and having to rearrange the blanket as you might in summer. And pornographic snowmen.
  10. When I first started "Tweeting" or whatever I came across this lass http://twitter.com/feliciaday, don't know how. But she's the only good thing to come out of Twitter for me as of yet.
  11. I may have a kid. I think. Do it ya lazy bugger!
  12. It was still a crappy ending. At least it wasn't as bad as the first 2. But this isn't a game you play for the storyline.
  13. Most pubs which do a mix grill.
  14. Since she messed up your clothes, you should wear everything she owns. Going commando and doing lunges. Seriously. Do this.
  15. And The Matrix. If you're going to bitch about it. Do it properly.
  16. Because real humour is something you're not familiar with yet :p
  17. The East Midlands! It may be a little east than the normal midlands. But it's in the middle. We all know Hard-On the Snowman cannot be beat. Especially in that spit-roast. I tried that with Dan and Nightwolf. They were well frigid.
  18. If it can erase memories. Then perhaps it can implant them. After 10 seconds we can say "I know kung fu" and actually mean it. Or get our ass to Mars.
  19. Maybe bullet point your profile as you have done with other aspects of your CV. The phrase "handling large amounts of information" is something I'd expect to see on the box of an external hard drive. You should just say "I have a good memory/Playing Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training really paid off".
  20. That's because they like to do a pre-emptive strike and start talking first.
  21. The unique design is amazing. At least the hand weapon varies.
  22. Probably was. Maybe they both had one. Offerman was one perverted individual.
  23. Perhaps. It's just that I can't be bothered to check.
  24. The shame deepens... But I redeemed myself by not watching "ReZ Daily" anymore. Assuming you still do it.
  25. Getting a girlfriend really damaged his character. I bet that wank jar is so lonely...
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