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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Did you form this opinion before or after going to the protests and encouraging people to destroy property? If before, I do hope you told your fellow protesters where to direct their anger and leave Britney innocent Cameron alone.
  2. A girl with a chest like that (or lack thereof) shouldn't wear stuff like that. Bloody hell. The kid took his time.
  3. Really? I don't know where you've been looking, but it's been on Amazon for £27.47 (Where I got it years ago) and £29.99. Either way, prepare to feel "Meh" after watching them. Finally sold my soul to the devil and got a mobile on contract: (Sadly women not included) £25 a month for 24 months. With a £100 Tesco gift card (Going to see if I can borrow someone's staff discount card for maximum awesomeness [We have to work there 6 months before we get our own]) All in all it pretty much works out fairly cheap. I spend about £10 a month on my former pay-as-you-go phone, but that was without internet access. It had it but was shite. And wasn't cheap.
  4. We had two I believe. One expressing love for our favourite cartoons from our youth, then one about retro intros* but the point still stands. We seem to enjoy bringing these back up. Even if the majority of our efforts have now been pissed on by the original post. Fuck yeah. Shia was (and still is) a little sod. If I ever caught it via channel surfing. She would be my reason for staying. Not a patch on Alex Mack though** *May be in error with this descriptions. **MAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!
  5. Anything this twat says: Also: To be fair it was fairly shit throughout. This did so well but then fucked itself over with its (at the time) "modern" story thread. You start off thinking that although things will change, things will get "normal" soon and regular plot may resume. Instead you got your fond memories pissed on. Although not my (totally) personal opinion, but I know many weren't that happy with the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. It's just the whole awesome concept of the Dark Side which seems to be alienated. It makes you more powerful (due to anger and hate, not something you need to posess all the time I'm guessing. Mainly during the battle in question. Since you're not that happy with the chap you're fighting with) and the Dark Side seems to piss all over the "Light" Side*. With its ability to fuck over everyone. Even Yoda, the darkside fucks over the future, it's fucking up the senate. By Episode III Yoda notices the Chancellor is clouded by the Dark Side. Either: A] Yoda suddenly noticed. B] Palpatine decided enough was enough and let his "guard" down. *Was it ever called that in the original canon? Or just a plain opposite. Normally it was just called The Force.
  6. For those Battlestar Galactica fans. How many of you have seen the original series? How much does it resemble it? (I too plan on getting around to it. But I must confess I'm not in a hurry. I daresay I'll work my way through SG1 [if/when I buy it] first.)
  7. I remember doing that! Wasn't sure if it was for the Triforce but it was something just as unobtainable.
  8. Got a phone call from the people who paid me £15 to drink 4 pints of cider. They want to pay me £25 for drinking 2 cans of lager. We all know the answer to that.
  9. Weren't they free this year to everyone anyway? must've just been the local surgery here. Either way, Epi = free stuff anyway.
  10. The Confessions of a... series.
  11. Anyone who wanted Metroid to have an actual storyline deserves to be disappointed. It's just a shame that those of us who wanted a proper Metroid game had to be dragged down also. Taking away Engarde and keeping Squawk? Bullshit.
  12. After noticing that my wages hadn't gone up with the (at the time) minimum wage increase I set on a pr0 complaining programme. Informing my boss who didn't really do anything. Citizens Advice Bureau who informed me I had to contact the tax office or something. Then got a bollocking from my boss for going over his head, Bullshit if he thinks I'm going to be waiting for the £100ish I've already worked for. Finally got my money, around £290 by the end of it and that was when I'd actually left. Persistance pays off.
  13. The people whom I know don't measure their toiler roll prior and post visits to the toilet. So until I hear some whining through the network I'm going to take whatever's needed to get the job done. A quality reference, but it would've been even better if you had Rob Schneider with his words. You can, it just wouldn't be a complete job.
  14. What apps would Blackberry owners recommend?
  15. My sentiments exactly. I'll have to fish out my DVDs now. No need to go to Mikes. Come round mine.
  16. Just imagine how the trolls feel being called "a little bit ReZ"
  17. Send us your address then.
  18. A hand written apology and a Curly Wurly are winging its way to him right now.
  19. I don't mind CAD, what pisses me off is MegaTokyo, which I'm surprised noones mentioned yet (If you have and I've missed it, I'm sorry) it went from something vaguely entertaining into a never-updated* romantic comic. Damn you Piro for letting Largo go. *With no reason/piss-poor exuses. But it's all about Cyanide and Happiness for me now.
  20. They die so young these days...
  21. This years' awards! Apart from some of them going to Dannyboy, a resounding "Meh". No they're not. They're a fucking pain in the arse trying to find a certain value.
  22. What happened to the old one? Fuck no. No way I'm gonna stop biting my nails anytime soon. It's too satisfying. And the toes as well if I can reach them. Just spunk out the Old Kai inside you and be the Kid Buu. I know you can do it.
  23. Actually it is. Someone actually putting real effort into a Harry Potter game, let alone you. I did have some fond memories on the PS1*. Mainly Ridge Racer Revolution (With one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a game) and Crash Bandicoot, absolutely pissing on the game after some good old fashioned hard work. *Or PSX. Never did find out the inspiration behind the name.
  24. Channel One was awesome. It's bloody stupid they've decided to shut it down not long after changing the name.
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